Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Election Thing

It's finally over and a new President was sworn in on January 20th to face a multitude of problems. The election, however, though historic in the election of Barack Obama, again revealed the divisive nature of American society.

Americans prefer to think the best while excluding any thought of the worst in anyone. This election, however, displayed the Republican Party at its worst. John McCain did a complete turnaround from his year 2000 position and with his snarling partner, Sarah Palin, became a "its only business" campaigner. Their campaign seemed desperate, disjointed and unfortunately, McCarthyistic in both tone and action. Attacking personalities became more important than debating ideas further illustrating the limited intellectual capacities of both candidates. Sarah Palin's rhetoric empowered cries of "traitor," "Arab," "Communist," and other derisive terms towards Obama coupled with her denial to be the cause of it.
Palin cannot dispute a singular fact released by the Secret Service: her utterances caused a sharp increase in death threats towards President Elect Obama. This, alone, should cause the Republican Party to stop and reflect upon the dirty tactics utilized and to what end. Governor Palin needs to reassess her position in this election and drop the offended position towards the media. She was responsible for the hatred rise and should address that immediately. Overall, the greatest responsibility is held by John McCain who displayed his true moral character not only foisting Sarah Palin upon the American Public, but disdaining any opposition towards lack of credentials, ethical problems and importantly, her utterances. The real John McCain came forth and was rejected in mass by voters.

The Republican Party, guided the past few years by neocons, has not rejected the hate generated by the McCain Campaign Committee. Seemingly, it has begun soul-searching on the election loss and disconnect with the public. The most obvious answers seem to elude Republican leadership-Americans just became tired of the flip-flops, hate spewing, transparent tactics and lack of issue discussion. The primary issue was and still is the economy; an issue McCain avidly avoided since it was the singular one the election could be lost on. The lack of specifics and noticeable effort to keep Sarah Palin away from any press questioning doomed the Republic effort. They are a party in turmoil both morally and emotionally.

Discussion of Sarah Palin being a frontrunner is an affront to the voters' intelligence. Obviously, if she cannot withstand press questioning, how can one rely upon her to discharge the Presidency? Secondly, her own ethical problems created bonafide character doubt intensifed by her affiliation with the Alaska Independence Group, an anti-American group, church affiliations, and abuse of power as governor. These doubts are only doubled by a definite lack of domestic and international knowledge a presidential candidate must possess.

John McCain needs to retire since it is obvious major credibility has been lost and Sarah Palin needs to remain in Alaska where, though her popularity has waned, she can be with those who appreciate her.

The United States needs to be unified, not disunited by these two who would do almost anything to be elected. To paraphrase, one can understand giving your soul to God, but to Washington D.C.?

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Sarah McPalin Press Conference

Ladies and gentleman, we are proud to present the Governor of Alaska bordering on Russia and also on Canada, which she can see out of both windows on a cloudy day when Russian planes aren't flying over, Sarah Palin
McPalin: Thank you, everyone, you betcha I can see those things and I want to remind the kindergarten Alaska legislature that they get extra credit for this press conference.

Press: Governor Palin, you have been criticized for your inexperience and overall lack of knowledge particularly in foreign affairs. How do you respond to that.
 McPalin: Moose hunting this year was very good and I tracked one into Canada which meant a discussion with  Canadian Customs was undertaken. They were nice and I came home rich with bountiful foreign affair experience. Those moose are so cooperative when it comes to diplomacy.PRESS: Governor, you indicated prior that you would cooperate fully with the Alaska Legislature investigating Troopergate, but have let McCain campaign lawyers stonewall the inquiry. What did you decide to do this contrary to your earlier statement?McPalin: Being a hockey mom who fires people who don't sign personal loyalty oaths means wearing a different hat when confronted with situations. Alaska is a energy producing state which I became governor of and dedicated myself to reforming the wasteful type of government that existed. John McCain wants to do the same, but can't find Alaska. He has been lost for several decades, but no one has noticed and I will ride his coattails hopefully to the White house in lieu of climate warming which is only partially manmade, but some. (Wink, wink, nod, nod, elbow to the ribs)Press: Governor, you didn't answer the question at all. Please do so.McPalin: Now, I may not answer the way you want, but will be straight with the Russian people living near Georgia since they can't be seen from Atlanta. This tussle over Troopergate is simply an internal matter which has become partisan due to a few deciding I wasn't hard enough on my ex-brother-in-law, a former trooper. Its a drop in the bucket compared to my taxes.Press: You were hesitant to release your taxes and your assets really don't match your earnings. However, you claimed $15,000 on per diem payments working out of your house and used state money to fly your children on vacations. This doesn't seem to be quite legal according to the Alaska Tax Commissioner and the IRS.McPalin: What have they got to do with it? I am a hockey mom who needs to set rules for my children and the same for the state. I have reformed a good old boy network, cut necessary waste like naughty books in libraries and terminated some who didn't agree with me. Oh, gosh, Harry Potter is so satanic and librarians should expect criticism. My taxes are in order since I deem them so and support our troops in Iraq. My children are precious and I take them with me as much as possible in spite of Alaska forcing me to save money by charging the state.Press: Governor, a lot of what you are saying is disjointed and to be honest, doesn't really make sense. You are sounding like someone who makes rules for themselves and then screams upon getting caught. Your interview answers have been uninformed, problems with taxes and ethics have arisen, and you have difficulty answering the simplest questions. Don't you see that as an impediment to the McCain campaign?McPalin: John McCain is an honest man who only made occasional propaganda broadcasts for the North Vietnamese while a POW to secure more privileges. Wait....oh, I wasn't supposed to say that...oopsie, sorry.....never mind about that....Anyway, he has been a solid friend to MIA/POW activists....what, oh, oopsie, sorry, never mind about that either....I along with John McCain support our Veterans....what, damn ear mike, he voted against Veterans bills 27 times....oopsie, what the hell can I say..okay...Sorry about that....I support John McCain having numerous lobbyists in his campaign since they are so charming and very well informed and approved by Karl Rove.Press: Have you ever answered a question directly?McPalin: I have always wanted to eradicate hunger and poverty and make people happy. That is why I have chosen to participate in this vice-presidential pageant. It is an honor to represent my state....what, oh, oopsie, wrong answer....Yes, I answered directly during my wedding ceremony with an I do and have been happily married for some years with 5 beautiful children...a hockey mom who supported Alaska secession, wearing different hats while frowning upon polar bear rights and urging oil companies to drill, drill, drill even if it means my own teeth.Press: How do you expect to proceed in the Vice-President's position, a heart beat away from the Presidency, if elected, with this type of management style.McPalin: I am opposed to same sex marriage and understand that seagulls are gay. They will be banned from the White House lawn. Also, as Mayor of Wasilla, I undertook extensive reforms to achieve federal earmarks which resulted in a debt of $20 million in a city employing 63 people. I am opposed to earmarks unless the money can be kept like the funds for our wonderful bridge. It is called the Bridge to Nowhere, but to me is the Bridge to Somewhere....just waiting for someone somewhere to finish the wonderful concept I began and supported, but didn't support since I am a NRA hockey mom who wants to be vice-dictator....oopsie...president.
 Ladies and gentleman, the Governor will take a final question now.
 Press: Governor Palin, what exactly have you achieved towards vice-presidential experience?McPalin: My husband, Todd, entered snowmobile races yearly, but should have perhaps been watching our teenage daughter who is now pregnant. You betcha I talked to him about that. Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger have advised me, but I really don't know what they said, but will do as they say. The Vice-President's office should be unitary, all by itself, contrary to the Constitution which is just an old document anyway. What do old documents have to do with running a country? It's the same as running a PTA which I haven't done either. Anyway, my executive experience makes me well qualified to achieve more monetary gain as vice-president. I am so excited about a pay raise and all those other ways to get more money quietly Dick told me about.

Thank you for inviting me to this press conference and I hope we have many more to develop understanding in achieving the eradication of hunger, poverty and those pesky Russians flying over Alaska. Oh, and a vote for the McCain/Palin ticket is a vote for something somewhere like my bridge. Over and out, you betcha.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Contrived Hero Myth-John McCain

Objective analysis points to a simple fact: John McCain is not a hero. A close examination of his history indicates a parallel to George W. Bush Jr. and not in a flattering manner. Both had fathers who continually bailed them out from trouble and these sons took ready advantage of their fathers’ reputations to achieve unearned status.

*McCain earned an extraordinary amount of demerits at the Naval Academy, but was allowed to graduate 5th from the bottom of his class.

*He crashed an aircraft in Naval flight training which mandated expulsion, but McCain was allowed to complete the course.

*McCain ran into power lines on the Iberian Peninsula while deployed to the Mediterranean causing a second crash without repercussion.

*Oddly enough, he was made an Instructor Pilot upon return to Pensacola, Florida, and proceeded to lose another aircraft while flying to the Army-Navy football game. The Navy rewarded him by assigning to the carrier, USS Forrestal.

*McCain lost his fourth jet on July 29, 1967, when a rocket slammed into his fully loaded jet killing 134 sailors. He escaped injury, according to some by immediately going below while others battled the flames. Oddly enough, McCain took it upon himself to simply leave the Forrestal without notifying his superiors to party in Tokyo. The Benevolent Navy took no action against him and transferred the erring pilot to the USS Oriskany.

*He lost his fifth jet after being shot down over North Vietnam and captured on October 26, 1967.

*According to an article written by him for the U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973, ...”After being periodically slapped around for “three or four days” by his captors who wanted military information from him, McCain called for an officer on his fourth day of captivity. He told the officer, “O.K., I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.” Not only was this a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Code of Conduct, but can be viewed as collaboration with the enemy.

A surgeon was flown in from Moscow and McCain accepted preferential medical treatment at a hospital near Gia Lam airport reserved for Vietnamese officers. No other POW received the same which again violated the UCMJ and Code of Conduct.

*According to sources and McCain in his autobiography, specific military information was given such as the carrier he flew from, number of pilots lost, specific flight information and rescue units currently available. Apparently, he did this to gain medical attention.

*Retired Army Colonel Earl Hopper states McCain told his captors "highly classified information, the most important of which was the package routes, which were routes used to bomb North Vietnam. He gave in detail the altitude they were flying, the direction, if they made a turn...he gave them what primary targets the United States was interested in." Hopper further contends this information allowed the North Vietnamese to adjust their air defenses and subsequently the US lost sixty percent more aircraft resulting in the curtailment of North Vietnam bombing. All this was due, Hopper states, because of the information McCain divulged.

*McCain participated in propaganda films and radio broadcasts aimed at American troops. According to the Saigon UPI, June 4, 1969: “Reds say POW Songbird is Pilot Son of Admiral...Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of United States Commander in the Pacific Adm. John McCain purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner.” He had earned the nickname “Songbird” from his captors.

*He talks often of torture, but did not transfer to the Hanoi Hilton until December, 1969. According to the Phoenix New Times, March 25, 1999, Two former POWs, Air Force Colonels Ted Guy and George “Swede” Larson, said in a feature article they could not guarantee that McCain was not physically harmed, (but) they doubted it. Both Guy and Larson were senior ranking officers (SROs) in McCain’s POW camp at a time he claims he was in solitary confinement and being tortured.

*Larson told the New Times, “Between the two of us, it’s our belief, and to the best of our knowledge, that no prisoner was beaten or harmed physically in that camp (known as ‘The Plantation’). My only contention the the McCain deal is that while he was at the Plantation, to the best of my knowledge and Ted’s knowledge, he was not physically abused in any way. No one was in that camp. It was the camp that people were released from.”

*McCain bases his hero myth on the contention he refused to be released unless everyone was. Sources state this was not a big deal since McCain was ordered by Senior Officers to state this. Secondly, former Rep. Bob Dornan (CA) states transcripts exist from former POWs reacting to McCain’s collaboration negatively. According to Dornan, McCain has always been afraid these transcripts would turn up particularly during a presidential campaign. Dornan offered another reason why McCain refused release by the North Vietnamese. He said those released first were collaborators, which McCain was one, and this would have ended not only his military career and hurt the Navy, but would impact his father also.

*McCain has actively opposed the efforts of MIA/POW activists and according to witnesses, physically attacked at least one. He has rudely interrupted hearings to berate MIA/POW family members and has worked religiously to curtail any POW information being released either from the government, any POWs or their family members. It seems rather odd he would take these positions, but he has been no friend of Veterans as well. McCain voted against 27 Veterans bills indicated by his record, but falsely states support for Veterans. He simply does not consider Veterans a priority much less MIA/POWs, but brags of his support.

*He returned from captivity to his wife, Carol, who was in a wheel chair from a car accident. He desired a coveted Admiral slot and the Navy assisted by reinstating him to flight duty in lieu of his disabilities. McCain assumed an Executive Officer, Replacement Air Group 174 position, which trained pilots and crews for deployment. While Executive Officer and later Commander, McCain authorized flights allowing him to mingle with subordinates and engage in extra-marital affairs again violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice regarding adultery and fraternizing with subordinates. The Navy, however, continued the tradition of excusing McCain from penalties and he got away with it.

*Robert Timbert, author of The Nightingale’s Song, wrote: “Off duty, usually on routine cross-country flights to Yuma and El Centro, John (McCain) started carousing and running around with women. To make matters worse, some of the women with whom he was linked by rumor were subordinates...At the time the rumors were so widespread that, true or not, they became part of McCain’s persona, impossible not to take note of.” The Navy overlooked his behavior and excused him from any discipline.

It seems apparent John McCain has contrived his own history and should be viewed as lacking sufficient character to hold the office of the Presidency or the Senate. His POW and Naval records need to be scrutinized for collaboration and other accountable acts. The truth needs to be ascertained prior to this man ascending to any higher office for to do otherwise would be looking the other way. This is exactly what caused the current problems with John McCain.

Friday, May 30, 2008

George Will Go No More A Roaming

Well, well, well. Scott McClellan has written a book telling the American people what was already known, but many didn't want to admit. Our citizenry is basically fantastic, but gullible to the point of refusing to believe the truth until human cost supersedes belief. Thus far the human cost is nearly 4500 American dead in Afghanistan/Iraq, thousands of casualties and even more experiencing the horrific effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Over 107 active duty personnel committed suicide in 2007 and discharged Vets are taking their lives to the number of 150 weekly. There is no way to calculate the human grief families experience, but we all know the feeling. The damage done to our national psyche is incalculable, but living out the darkness again seems to be nearing.

Why do Americans allow a substandard candidate such as George W. Bush Jr. become President of the United States? His history indicated a silver spoon youth who flaunted responsibility and depended upon his father to bail him out of trouble repeatedly. Bush influence granted him access to the Texas Air National Guard 3 days after college graduation in lieu of being drafted though the waiting list was 18 months long. Later he was given a direct commission and allowed into flight training again being unqualified for the first and woefully for the second. Bush and his handlers have attempted to blur this man's fall from grace during the Guard period, but facts do exist. George Bush Jr. was removed from flight duty for failing to obey orders to take a flight physical and other reasons. Any flight duty removal immediately necessitates a board review composed of field officers who then document the exact reasons for this action. This document was never brought up by the press who either never knew or chose not to ask. Bush was aware of this and kept very quiet emphasizing only his discharge.

He also never admitted violating a signed contract and two other documents when he agreed to seek out a Reserve or Guard unit in Massachusetts after being accepted in Harvard Business School and discharge from the Texas Air National Guard. He simply failed to do this without fear from the FBI who regularly investigated and detained deserters. He has no reason to fear since his father was a US Representative and being a silver spoon youth. Bush simply chose his life path as he saw fit and never worried about the consequences.

His business experience is inconsequential since he followed the same routine of irregularity and authority deviation. Dependence upon his Father and George Sr.'s friends for both business advancement as well as to extricate him from delicate situations became a trademark. One business after another failed and in one situation he used his situation to make a stock market killing. Problem was he as on the board and specifically a budget committee which knew the financial status of the the corporate stock. Nevertheless, Bush dumped the stock, made a mint and was later investigated by the SEC. The SEC never really dropped the investigation, but Bush would claim, erroneously, it had been.

His wild days of college and the Guard were punctuated by stories of alleged drug abuse, alcoholic stupor and debauchery. Bush, in one account, allegedly impregnated a girl and then drove her to a Houston hospital for an abortion. Larry Flynt, renown Penthouse publisher, apparently tracked down the woman, now married to an FBI agent, but she refused to talk for fear of his husband's future. It was this type of fear Bush and his protective friends depended on to stymy any criticism whether valid or not. Another reaction was to simply attack the credibility of anyone who dared uttered a disdainful statement, but that didn't always work.

Bush was elected Texas governor and quickly embroiled himself in scandal of major proportions involving a funeral home corporation. He immediately ever meeting with any corporate officials, but others quickly corroborated seeing officers in Bush's office. The scandal didn't really follow him like Whitewater did the Clintons, but the stain remained. It was there for anyone to see and a responsible press could quickly bring up credibility questions.

Americans want to quickly forget any discrediting episode and have a tendency to positively reinforce their position. The Nixon deal is an ideal example of this since he was a law flaunter of major proportions before and during his presidency. Bush Jr. has shown a tendency not only to skirt the law, but to openly advertise the fact he has down so. Congress will not hold him accountable, but history will long after he is gone. He can't hid his record forever nor transfer records to a safe have as he did his Texas governor papers to his father's presidential library. Eventually, a lawsuit forced Bush to relinquish these to the State of Texas and archivists are busy cataloging the documents. This President has a tendency to believe what he wants, as McClellan points out, and then justify his position at that moment regardless of recorded facts. The honesty of it is fleeting, but his doesn't seem to bother the Bush administration.

The Iraqi War is stocked with pre-war propaganda and mistruths. Bush will defend his actions to the hilt without answering any questions. His handlers were very careful not to expose him to hostile questions, but facts have been bubbling up regardless. The weapons of mass destruction did not exist and in fact, had been sold to Sadaam Hussein by the Reagan and Bush Sr. administration during the earlier Iran-Iraqi War. Their hope was both sides would simply do each other in and then the US could move into the created vacuum for US hegemony. Congress did investigate this, validated the sale of both chemical/biological agents and nuclear information. It was noted this fact did not appear during this war period, but it is vitally important. The absence of historical fact only leads to widespread distortion of the truth and the ability to bend public will to a predetermined conclusion. Bush's handlers were aware of this and carefully groomed major corporate CEOs, particularly media, to their way of thinking. Consequently, the war became primarily a media affair with very little truth coming out until recently. Now a maelstrom has developed over domestic propaganda and White House involvement.

Hopefully, the press will meet their failings and rehabilitate themselves. The same exists for the White House and Congress; however, it will take the American public to force the press, government, the pentagon and many other institutions to change their wayward ways in remembrance of their basic purpose towards public trust. Until then, society's fabric will continue to tear away with each hateful utterance by the likes of Michael Savage, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly and the rest of their ilk who distort the truth with a disdain much like the White House.

Scott McClellan is not a hero, but he is a symbol of a conscience which finally prevailed in a cesspool of eruditic confusion. The wholesale desire by the White House to fabricate anything in order to spin a story and maintain public credibility whether by manufacturing a myth involving Jessica Lynch or the existence of WMDs in Iraq. It all comes down to the same disdain for the truth and the prevalence of ignorance in the highest officers of this land. We have only yet to realize the tip of this iceberg.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Vets Abandonment

There is a class action lawsuit working its way through the court initiated by disabled Vets who served in Iraq. The meat of it is simple-The Department of Veterans Affairs failed to provide adequate medical care for the numerous afflictions suffered by these men and women. So far the suit has claimed at least one casualty-Mr. Nicholson, DVA Secretary, resigned and headed for the hills, but is still on the supoena list.

Mr. Bush, acting as a President, instructed US attorneys to argue Veterans were not entitled to mental health benefits which befuddled many of us. Even the DVA agrees that up to 80% of those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will return with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and this bothers George. Bean counters are always disturbed when more money than necessary has to be spent on what they regard as trivial matters. Again, avidly pursue the war, but forsake those who pursue is the apparent rally cry of this administration.

Mr. Bush delivered a rah-rah speech yesterday again declaring victory in Iraq, but failed to address adequate Veterans medical care. This nation, great as it is, began developing a forsaking reputation towards Vets during the Vietnam War and extended it though Desert Storm to now the current conflicts. He and his minions do not seem to understand not only the human suffering involved, but also the impact upon the families. As one who understands the words abandonment and betrayal by the government, a whole generation is now developing even more distrust of the government which equates even lower enlistment rates. What can one expect when GIs are treated like numbers and then discarded when their usefulness is expended.

It is sad our nation has come to this, but signs were there all along-the tsunami, hurricane Katrina, etc. Mr. Bush hesitated, procrastinated and finally decided to help after thousands had suffered or lost their lives. Mark my words, it will eventually come to the point where attorneys will accompany prospective recruits to insure adequate clauses for medical treatment are part of enlistment contracts. This administration spends over a billion dollars monthly in Iraq, but cannot afford to assist a former combat veteran with an affliction costing only a small amount.

George Bush should have been drafted, served in Vietnam and then returned home to negativity not only from many, but the government as well. Perhaps, then he would have learned respect not only for our Nation's Active Duty/Veterans, but also for basic human values. Instead he went AWOL for up to 18 months while in the National Guard after losing his flight status and encrusted himself in cynicism. We should all hang our heads in sorrow over the treatment of our Veterans particularly for those 150 Vets committing suicide weekly-the greater number of which are National Guard who served in the war and then were shuffled out before disability claims could be tendered. The Bush Administration and Pentagon saved that money at the expense of this Nation's soul.

Friday, February 08, 2008

The Fault Lies In The Stars

Read an essay today on the amount of anger present in Europe regarding the US waging war in Iraq. Understandably, Europeans have seen more than their share of warfare since time immemorial, but anger over Iraq initially puzzled me.

Each nation has its own identity usually drawn from several generations of peace, war and internecine violence. Some, however, reach a stage where the identity becomes opaque and internal acts (usually violence) are necessary to clarify. Germany, for example, went through a horrific experience during the Nazi period and for the most part, has reached atonement for national actions. Seemingly, atonement is the key to finding some type of national identity compromise.

Our nation, beautiful as it is, has never found atonement for the Native American extermination, the minority experience, Vietnam and lastly, Iraq among others. Some presidents have ventured forth with partial apologies or rolled back the national archives for academicians to research. For the most part, we hide our heads in the sand and pretend none of it occurred.

Bill O'Reilly would rather deny the plight of Veteran homelessness (reaching nearly 200,000 nightly) than have an earnest discussion of plausible solutions. The Veterans Administration denied vehemently effects of chemical contamination in Vietnam, chemical/biological and nuclear (depleted uranium) related illnesses during Desert Storm and now, in conjunction with the Army, stymied mental health treatment for Iraqi/Afghani Vets.

We have to ask ourselves what type of nation denies humanitarian treatment for not only those inflicted upon, but the very US troops fulfilling the military mission. What have we become when the PR spin is more important than treating those who pay the cost of military actions.

Our nation has not come to terms with the Native American or minority experience; refuse to look Vietnam in the eye though some fine historians and monographs have been produced; and are reluctant to admit the Iraq conflict was preemptive based upon manufactured falsehoods. More so, we refuse to contemplate the number of dead Iraqis or Afghani civilians killed by our military or Blackwater.

Why, then, do disabled GIs have to suffer for a flaw in our national psyche? Probably for the same reason, Bill O'Reilly, George W. Bush Jr, etc., live in a fantasy world where everything is the way they say it is. No one really challenges and if they do, the rough and tough O'Reilly or President Bush is there to intimidate. Americans do not like the truth until it is force fed to them and then they are mad as hell.

Ask these questions of our presidential candidates and see their response. It's about time, but remember the fault lies not in the stars, but in ourselves.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The John McCain Spin

Well, well, well......the politicos are rolling and as usual, the people take back seat. Fred and Rudy have withdrawn and John McCain seems to be the Republican frontrunner. John McCain, the alcohol industry's best friend and avoider of anything resembling a Vietnam Vet is trying to convince us he is the man!!!

Those of us in Arizona realize McCain came to this state as a carpetbagger merely to be elected to the House of Representatives. He quickly became best friends with Charles Keating Jr., CEO, American Continental Corporation, until he was convicted of fraud,, and then John backtracked very fast; discounting all those free vacations, et. al. Much effort was exerted sanitizing McCain from the Keating Five affair, but there were more serious issues.

McCain ignored Vietnam Veterans and their numerous plights to a degree many VietVets came to wonder what he was frightened of. Speaking from my own experience, the erstwhile now Senator almost preferred to steer clear of Vietnam Veteran issues as much as he did Vietnam Vets themselves. It was not uncommon to enter his Tucson office, find no one to greet us and even if so, end up waiting awhile to see a staff member. Forget about seeing McCain himself as broken appointments were his mainstay. He liked the hero mantle, but living up to it was difficult indeed since many of us saw through it; and came to openly question his sincerity and honesty. The conclusion was arrived that John McCain had been given things too easily as a result of his Silver Spoon status and was terrified of questioning Vietnam Vets destroying his self conceived legend. Symbolic of McCain was his Tucson Office Veterans Rep attending a community homeless meeting and openly discussing which country club had the better golf course. So much for caring about your brother and sister....I was there when it occurred. By the way, McCain has voted against Veterans bills 27 times indicating he is no friend much less advocate for those who serve.

John McCain's father was a Navy Admiral and of course, John enjoyed the privileges commensurate with being the offspring. In fact, he crashed aircraft during Navy flight training (2) who normally meant being hacked (cut) from the program. He wasn't (surprise!!) and even after being taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese, still enjoyed privileges. John was injured and while other Americans suffered, accepted a surgeon flown in from Moscow to operate on him and him alone. His operation and recuperation was in a Hanoi Officers Hospital....not the run of the mill enlisted shack. Never mind about the obvious violation of the Code of Conduct and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Apparently, he is afraid of those instances of him volunteering for propaganda radio broadcasts to the south (copies are available on the web) and narrating similar movies. Major, major violations of conduct, but he was an Admiral's son. There are other stories emanating from Hanoi Hilton inmates about McCain, but John avoids discussion. He is definitely afraid some of those former Prisoners of War may open up and sink the legend in his own mind war saga. In fact, he even went so far as to introduce a bill signed into law forbidding public access into prisoner of war records. By the way, McCain admits in his autobiography to giving the enemy military information, but no investigation much less an indictment followed.

McCain zealously denies the existence of any living prisoners of war following the end of hostilities. Again, he went so far as to attack POW advocates including being publicly rude and abrasive to Eleanor Apodaca, sister of a MIA-POW, during her testimony to a senate hearing in which he wasn't even invited. He went to Hanoi several times espousing the No POW line and the only memorable moment was hugging his former North Vietnamese captor.

John divorced one wife while she was ill and married the Beer King of Phoenix's daughter, Cindy Hensley. All his talk about not adhering to PACs seems rather transparent when one examines his record with the alcohol industry. Meanwhile, Cindy became addicted to prescription narcotics while head of a nonprofit, The American Voluntary Medical Team, which supplied these meds to needy children. She ended up in dire trouble with the law for not only pilfering narcotics out of the AVMT's coffers, but also for forging prescriptions in her employees' names. John soft-soaped the entire issue knowing very few would probably remember it in the future. A deal was made with the US Attorney to limit punishment to financial restitution and drug rehab entry. Meanwhile, those less fortunate would have been chastised and then served jail time. By the way, there is no evidence Cyndy ever went to rehab. It pays to be the Son of An Admiral's spouse.

What better example of McCain flip-flopping than the trashing he took during the 2000 South Carolina primaries by George W. Bush and Turdblossom. Instead of standing up to those leveling accusations about his military career and adopted daughter, McCain caved in. He learned to love his President and hoped everyone would be charmed by his outward show of affection. John McCain is not tough minded; he is confused.

John McCain is captivated by his demons and has earned the discomfort of Arizona voters by forsaking his senatorial duties during the recent presidential bid. His voting record is atrocious due to absences and flip-flopping seems to be his notoriety. Undoubtedly, he wants to be president to avoid the possibility of being voted out of office this next election. Its that serious!!

Should he be President? Judge the record for yourself, but demand full accountability for his past actions. Scrutinize his personal and professional life carefully.....beneath that veneer is another spoiled silver spoon boy whose father resurrected him continually after career demise....sound familiar?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Real News

Carrot Top claims he is the love child from a liaison between Rush Limbaugh and Diana Ross.

The presidential campaign became more intense today when John McCain notified everyone he recently discovered Vietnam Veterans that returned from the war. Overcome with amazement, McCain claims he never knew that many existed.

Also presidential candidate Mike
Huckabee declared God began talking to him without notice and he was tempted to file a restraining order at first. An aide suggested a dialogue be started and Huckabee has been talking to air since. Mrs. Huckabee states her husband can have as much time as possible conversing with the deity since otherwise it would cut into her shopping time.

Madonna is sporting a puffy darkened left eye area and uses shades to cover the injury. No explanation yet for the injury, but inside sources cite a collision between her and her ego as the culprit.

George H.W. Bush, President In A Bubble's Reluctant Father, announced yesterday he will jump off a new naval ship to be named after him. The new vessel, the USS October Surprise, remembers the hefty contribution George gave the American hostages in Iran during the 1979 internment. He, as you may recall, negotiated with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election and then Ron Reagan would float big benefits to them. This was indeed done and the hotel bill was paid prior to their release. George only hopes there is enough air for his parachute to open.

Coulter, former brain cell recipient, stated American Army military bases should be named after US officers only and NOT of fantasy. She was upset when the name Fort Bliss appeared in front of her right eye and swore another like this, say Fort Rapture of Camp Ectasy, would never occur in her lifetime. She is teaming up with Phyllis Schafly, former gadfly, to pressure Congress into enacting a Clean Fort Naming Bill. You go gettem, Big Ann!!

Brittany Spears appeared for her deposition and remained in a chair for nearly two hours. Not much of the scrutiny was revealed, but inside sources said she left with the bailiff!

That other
bsit! girl, Lindsay Lohan, was capture on video New Years Eve downing some bubbly from even a bottle. Her probation prohibits such and friends stated she immediately called her twelve step alcohol sponsor, Jack Daniels, to report her offense. Keep it straight, Lindsay!!

Heath Ledger died yesterday.....Rest In Peace and thank you for the brilliant light your star gave all of us!

George Bush Jr. put forth the idea of an economic stimulus to
jump start the economy just as soon as he learns the meaning of stimulus. Its over two syllables and difficult to understand.

Dick Cheney, The Indivisible Man, has not been seen for weeks, but there isn't that much concern. Pundits claim Cheney has been water boarding with friends at various overseas prisons he and President In A Bubble established. He is definitely a man who wants all the experience to be found except for the draft, of course,...gee, that was only 5 exemptions he got..and of course, it wasn't one of his priorities.

Till next demented time........

Thursday, January 10, 2008

O'Reilly Sucks Again

Sapo (Spacious and Perverted One) is making news again, but not in the positive frame. Bill, as you know, is a legend in his own mind and simply cannot understand why everyone does not see him that way-divine!

  • The first involves Sapo attempting to move a Obama employee out of his camera's way through tough talk, name calling and finally physicality. Of course, he immediately went to the air waves to give his side of the story, but unfortunately, the recorded tape told it the way it was. Sapo strikes out in the truth box again and his halo is a bit dimmer
  • Sapo took a shot as disabled and homeless Veterans as well with a pointed jab at the John Edwards campaign. Naturally, Sapo is a self declared expert since he immediately went to England to avoid the draft after spending time at Marist University. Ironically, he graduated from a Catholic high school at the height of the Vietnam War (1968), enrolled at Marist and then went to England at the same time as Bill Clinton. Sapo didn't return until he was safe and secure from the draft, but is an expert on anything to do with Veterans-duhhhhhhh! By the way, he peddles out the old bad knee theory whenever anyone asks why he wasn't drafted. He talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.
  • Sapo also had a problem with a high schooler phoned during the show who corrected his American history. Bill quoted from the Declaration of Independence, but claimed the Constitution as source. The young lady pointed this out to the Bold One, but Bill would not, could not, can't, whatever, acknowledge his error. Its hard to admit fault when you are divine!
So, what does one concede concerning Sapo.....uhmmmmm, I'm thinking.....okay, got it!

Methinks the audacious one is full of it from his pointy little head to his draft evading feet. Sapo is so convinced of his greatness that the next step, santification, has already been met. Being larger than life means one does not need to piddle with life's smaller problems-you just buy your way out of them! It worked for George W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Tom DeLay, Paris Hilton and many others. Sapo's problem, however, is he doesn't know how to keep quiet being so intent on blowing his own horn continuously.

This writer possesses a preference for Sapo to just fade away into the methane gas he creates and retire to raising earthworms instead. He would still be working in the dirt and would at least retain some satisfaction.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Common Sense

Presidential politics is among us and the only consistent commonality with the candidates is the total lack of common sense. The wax figures stand in front of the camera, create sound bytes, occasionally snipe at each other and then run to their campaign managers offstage for better hints to influence voters. What would be nice for a change is someone to admit they are campaigning for the American people with that body's consent to hold office of the people; and not for corporations, special lobby groups, past political hacks and influential foreign powers.

Think of it this way:

a. Illegal immigration-millions of dollars have been spent on the Mexican border in the past three decades--why isn't it working? Why hasn't this administration enforced the immigration laws particularly undocumented workers in certain industries. Simply put-special lobby groups representing the agricultural, defense and other corporations contributed significant amounts of cash into the Bush Campaign. Better for the White House and others to scream about rather than taken an objective approach to enforcing the laws, creating more intelligent foreign policy and pointing out we also have a Canadian border. Wonder how many illegals cross there?

b. The Economy-remember those heady Reagan days in the first tour when he spent with abandon calling it Supply Side Economics and then suddenly realized there was a problem during the second time around. This quasi-Republican president has went above and beyond the call of duty to spend, spend, spend; and loosen the reins of regulation permitting, i.e. the housing industry to propagate
sub prime lenders when now are teetering if not already fallen. The credit industry is a mess; housing starts are at an all time low; and economists keep whispering that word "recession" which was originally depression. The Euro has replaced the dollar since it is significantly stronger and other nations have more faith in it.

c. Iraq-The whole situation has confused more Americans than the introduction of New Coke replacing Coke Classic a few years ago. Desperate Housewives could not conceive a more twisted scenario than this being acted out daily with the loss of lives on all sides. Where is the beacon of truth to simply say: how the helll did we get here and how do we get out? The best example is simply this: you are knee deep in alligators biting at you continuously and suddenly you remember your initial objective was to drain the swamp! Lies led us into Iraq and the truth is needed to lead us out.

d. Education-No Child Left Behind should be relabeled Every Child Left Behind. Bush's signal legislation created more accountability, but only for pencil pushers in DC who skew the statistics trying to make the law look good. This administration did not fund states for all the new demands, as promised, and the result is simply teaching students to take the test instead of educating for a lifetime. Teachers are flooding out of the profession since their already overburdened responsibilities were doubled and no pay increase was in sight. Bottom line-the neocons couldn't have done a better job to undermine public education than this. Time to not renew the law and let educators teach.

e. Integrity, Credibility, Honesty, Values.....don't believe this crap about family values. Those who use it as a rally point are doing just that. How can a politician be for family values and not feel the demise of our national integrity with Åbu Ghraib and torture. How can you let an Administration lie us into a preemptive war with Iraq and then not hold them accountable for their actions? America needs to wake up and understand those who currently lead are only interested in this-DOLLARS-and not the sanctity of the American people nor our nation. Certainly not our GIs and Veterans whose healthcare is being disregarded faster than a look of honesty in a politician. How many more Walter Reeds?

Simple way to converse with any elected or appointed official-who,what,why,where,when and then ask if they will place whatever being discussed in writing over their signature. Most won't which only signifies their word is more valueless than teats on a boar.

Time for a ballot box revolution, People, and usher the bums to the door!!