Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Thursday, January 10, 2008

O'Reilly Sucks Again

Sapo (Spacious and Perverted One) is making news again, but not in the positive frame. Bill, as you know, is a legend in his own mind and simply cannot understand why everyone does not see him that way-divine!

  • The first involves Sapo attempting to move a Obama employee out of his camera's way through tough talk, name calling and finally physicality. Of course, he immediately went to the air waves to give his side of the story, but unfortunately, the recorded tape told it the way it was. Sapo strikes out in the truth box again and his halo is a bit dimmer
  • Sapo took a shot as disabled and homeless Veterans as well with a pointed jab at the John Edwards campaign. Naturally, Sapo is a self declared expert since he immediately went to England to avoid the draft after spending time at Marist University. Ironically, he graduated from a Catholic high school at the height of the Vietnam War (1968), enrolled at Marist and then went to England at the same time as Bill Clinton. Sapo didn't return until he was safe and secure from the draft, but is an expert on anything to do with Veterans-duhhhhhhh! By the way, he peddles out the old bad knee theory whenever anyone asks why he wasn't drafted. He talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.
  • Sapo also had a problem with a high schooler phoned during the show who corrected his American history. Bill quoted from the Declaration of Independence, but claimed the Constitution as source. The young lady pointed this out to the Bold One, but Bill would not, could not, can't, whatever, acknowledge his error. Its hard to admit fault when you are divine!
So, what does one concede concerning Sapo.....uhmmmmm, I'm thinking.....okay, got it!

Methinks the audacious one is full of it from his pointy little head to his draft evading feet. Sapo is so convinced of his greatness that the next step, santification, has already been met. Being larger than life means one does not need to piddle with life's smaller problems-you just buy your way out of them! It worked for George W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Tom DeLay, Paris Hilton and many others. Sapo's problem, however, is he doesn't know how to keep quiet being so intent on blowing his own horn continuously.

This writer possesses a preference for Sapo to just fade away into the methane gas he creates and retire to raising earthworms instead. He would still be working in the dirt and would at least retain some satisfaction.

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