Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Election Thing

It's finally over and a new President was sworn in on January 20th to face a multitude of problems. The election, however, though historic in the election of Barack Obama, again revealed the divisive nature of American society.

Americans prefer to think the best while excluding any thought of the worst in anyone. This election, however, displayed the Republican Party at its worst. John McCain did a complete turnaround from his year 2000 position and with his snarling partner, Sarah Palin, became a "its only business" campaigner. Their campaign seemed desperate, disjointed and unfortunately, McCarthyistic in both tone and action. Attacking personalities became more important than debating ideas further illustrating the limited intellectual capacities of both candidates. Sarah Palin's rhetoric empowered cries of "traitor," "Arab," "Communist," and other derisive terms towards Obama coupled with her denial to be the cause of it.
Palin cannot dispute a singular fact released by the Secret Service: her utterances caused a sharp increase in death threats towards President Elect Obama. This, alone, should cause the Republican Party to stop and reflect upon the dirty tactics utilized and to what end. Governor Palin needs to reassess her position in this election and drop the offended position towards the media. She was responsible for the hatred rise and should address that immediately. Overall, the greatest responsibility is held by John McCain who displayed his true moral character not only foisting Sarah Palin upon the American Public, but disdaining any opposition towards lack of credentials, ethical problems and importantly, her utterances. The real John McCain came forth and was rejected in mass by voters.

The Republican Party, guided the past few years by neocons, has not rejected the hate generated by the McCain Campaign Committee. Seemingly, it has begun soul-searching on the election loss and disconnect with the public. The most obvious answers seem to elude Republican leadership-Americans just became tired of the flip-flops, hate spewing, transparent tactics and lack of issue discussion. The primary issue was and still is the economy; an issue McCain avidly avoided since it was the singular one the election could be lost on. The lack of specifics and noticeable effort to keep Sarah Palin away from any press questioning doomed the Republic effort. They are a party in turmoil both morally and emotionally.

Discussion of Sarah Palin being a frontrunner is an affront to the voters' intelligence. Obviously, if she cannot withstand press questioning, how can one rely upon her to discharge the Presidency? Secondly, her own ethical problems created bonafide character doubt intensifed by her affiliation with the Alaska Independence Group, an anti-American group, church affiliations, and abuse of power as governor. These doubts are only doubled by a definite lack of domestic and international knowledge a presidential candidate must possess.

John McCain needs to retire since it is obvious major credibility has been lost and Sarah Palin needs to remain in Alaska where, though her popularity has waned, she can be with those who appreciate her.

The United States needs to be unified, not disunited by these two who would do almost anything to be elected. To paraphrase, one can understand giving your soul to God, but to Washington D.C.?

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