Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Vets Abandonment

There is a class action lawsuit working its way through the court initiated by disabled Vets who served in Iraq. The meat of it is simple-The Department of Veterans Affairs failed to provide adequate medical care for the numerous afflictions suffered by these men and women. So far the suit has claimed at least one casualty-Mr. Nicholson, DVA Secretary, resigned and headed for the hills, but is still on the supoena list.

Mr. Bush, acting as a President, instructed US attorneys to argue Veterans were not entitled to mental health benefits which befuddled many of us. Even the DVA agrees that up to 80% of those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan will return with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and this bothers George. Bean counters are always disturbed when more money than necessary has to be spent on what they regard as trivial matters. Again, avidly pursue the war, but forsake those who pursue is the apparent rally cry of this administration.

Mr. Bush delivered a rah-rah speech yesterday again declaring victory in Iraq, but failed to address adequate Veterans medical care. This nation, great as it is, began developing a forsaking reputation towards Vets during the Vietnam War and extended it though Desert Storm to now the current conflicts. He and his minions do not seem to understand not only the human suffering involved, but also the impact upon the families. As one who understands the words abandonment and betrayal by the government, a whole generation is now developing even more distrust of the government which equates even lower enlistment rates. What can one expect when GIs are treated like numbers and then discarded when their usefulness is expended.

It is sad our nation has come to this, but signs were there all along-the tsunami, hurricane Katrina, etc. Mr. Bush hesitated, procrastinated and finally decided to help after thousands had suffered or lost their lives. Mark my words, it will eventually come to the point where attorneys will accompany prospective recruits to insure adequate clauses for medical treatment are part of enlistment contracts. This administration spends over a billion dollars monthly in Iraq, but cannot afford to assist a former combat veteran with an affliction costing only a small amount.

George Bush should have been drafted, served in Vietnam and then returned home to negativity not only from many, but the government as well. Perhaps, then he would have learned respect not only for our Nation's Active Duty/Veterans, but also for basic human values. Instead he went AWOL for up to 18 months while in the National Guard after losing his flight status and encrusted himself in cynicism. We should all hang our heads in sorrow over the treatment of our Veterans particularly for those 150 Vets committing suicide weekly-the greater number of which are National Guard who served in the war and then were shuffled out before disability claims could be tendered. The Bush Administration and Pentagon saved that money at the expense of this Nation's soul.

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