Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Pres is A Man of Contradictions

The President is a man of contradictions, to say the least. On one hand, he tells us, as he did in a 2004 speech, we are a nation guided by a constitution where a wiretap has to be authorized by the court; and then justifies, as he recently did, the wiretapping of American citizens without the benefit of this founding document. Now, we find he did not consult with Congress, did not request warrants from the court and expanded the surveillance to include good old American citizens, domestic spying that is and highly illegal.

He justifies all this by stating a wartime president has that right and further Congress gave him the power in the resolution to slam Iraq. Of course, George W. Bush Jr. is not a wartime president since a declaration of war has never been proclaimed by Congress. Secondly, Tom Daschle revealed the White House had asked for wartime powers, but had been turned down shortly after 9/11. So, what does this boil down to for the president-well, Dick Cheney said it okay and further, Alberto Gonzales gave his rubber stamp. Somewhere down the line you will probably hear Pickles smiling in an approving way and the twins may resurrect to have a picture op of daddy holding the resolution in one hand and the list of those spied upon in the other.

Speaking of which, the White House is hedging on providing a list of those spied upon even to the secret court. After all, George said the court was too slow in approving applications and he had to take the next step by just setting up the wiretaps by executive order. Somehow, the legal system seems to frown upon executives taking this type of initiative for a variety of reasons with the illegality being the foremost. It also opens up the government for massive lawsuits, massive disrepute and further erosion of credibility.

Here’s the solution: wiretap every single room in the White House, Crawford House, Dick Cheney’s residences (Washington and hidden), Jeff Gannon’s bed, Alberto Gonzales’ typewriter, Don Rumsfeld’s secret tooth filling radio conductivity sets, Tom Delay’s brain and many more. What a wonderful soap opera this will make and the nation will be safe!! Everybody will know everything and the administration will not have to worry about secrets!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Ode To Mediocrity

President in a Bubble gave a speech this evening extolling all the virtues of a winning war and sacrifices ahead. Unfortunately, I've heard it all before in another place in another time with the same actors-it was called Vietnam. The money rolled in with a term called deficit spending which is still a not too distant memory since it took decades to pay. President Johnson had to balance precariously the chasm between bread and butter in order not to inflame a public already sensitive to civil rights, campus demonstrations and Vietnam. He managed to do this for awhile, but the Tet Offensive of 1968 took both is spirit and desire to run again away.

President Bush isn't really saying anything new-just the same reiteration of the same old fear, same old rah-rah, and don't support our enemies by not supporting this war, yadda, yadda, yadda. Meanwhile, 19 Iraqis died today from an explosion and GIs are becoming discontent. VP 5 Deferments Cheney spent time in Iraq and gave the best rah-rah he could, but still came under some hard questions from battle grisled GIs. He continued the rah-rah and GIs being GIs assisted him in his personality development; that is, let him know what they thought of his non-answers. Being the grand poopah of cowardice, he left to bullshit another day.

PIB (President in a Bubble) can talk of WMDs all he wants, but never divulges that President Reagan and VP then President Bush Sr. sold WMD and nuclear technology to Iraq. He will never say the gassing of Kurds and Sunnis was opposed by the Reagan-Bush Administration simply because it wasn't. He will instill fear of this action against America as a reason for invasion, but will not discuss the lack of action against Hussein when he decimated his own people.

The Reagan-Bush Policy paired two lumbering giants, Iraq and Iran, against each other in an eight year war that killed millions, witnessed the use of poison gas and various other chemical biological agents while America looked the other way. Our foreign policy was too busy supplying both nations with weapons including WMDs and nuclear technology. Besides, the underlying motive was for them to destroy each other thus decimating the possible hegemony either could establish in the Middle East and then the United States could move in further to insure oil flow. It didn't work that as President Reagan began moving in American troops too early and the Muslim World took notice of what they described as the Next Crusade.

Muslims that had been created and trained to fight the Russians in Afghanistan suddenly began making plans to confront the Americans instead who were viewed as just another western power attempting to subjugate and Christianize the Arab nations. They didn't have long to wait until the drums began beating for a joint war effort to maintain control over the western "lifeline."

President In A Bubble will not fill you in on prior history since he froze release of all Reagan and Bush Jr. Administration records to prevent any type of historical scrutiny. It wouldn't look that good to have monographs and other ideas floating around that the PIB couldn't deal with. Of course, he can't deal with much as it is, but it is always best for his handlers to limit the options.

By the way, he made extensive use of his right arm, hand and fingers during the speech and kept his eyes on the fingers while using them. Apparently, this was an effort to maintain location at all times and also not to protrude the middle index finger he is so well know for.

PIB needs helpd which only an extended rest can provide.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Black Is White and White Is Black

The holidays are nearly upon us, but Bill O'Reilly and the other Yule Commandoes state it is Christmas since this is a predominantly Christian country thus other faiths should suck it in.

Of course, Bill and the boys offer Holiday gifts in deference to their own Christmas statements and the President issues a White House Holiday Card to really bolster the war against the secularists. This is all in addition to propagating the Christimas spirit in Iraq and Afghanistan by bombing the hell out of everyone in existence in an effort to change their heather ways to evangelical right Christians more than happy to sign all natural resources over.

VP Dick Cheney is abounding around the countryside in his undisclosed locations touting the advantages of torture as a viable means of celebrating the Christmas season while Condoleeza Rice travels all over Europe trying to convince various leaders our military didn't really torture anyone nor transport enemy combatants to other nations to be tortured. Of course, this made a heavy thud when crashing since Poland had already been identified as one nation where prisoners were being stored and tortured at length in addition to various other nations.

The President is becoming desparate and has actually talked to the American people about an Iraqi plan; somewhat secretive, but undoubtedly will be released sometime during the next 3 years. It probably doesn't exist, but no matter since the President probably ordered new bibles be sent to the Muslim prisoners at Gitmo to replace their flushed Korans. Its Christmas you know!

All in all, our President and his staff are full of Christmas spirit!! Cutting those social services budgets, paring down Pell Grants even more, holding back endorsements/funding for important investigations displaying various criminal activities going on within the administration; and of course, downplaying the number war wounded thus decreasing the amount of money needed to treat disabled makes sense from their perspective.

So, on one hand the likes of O'Reilly and Limbaugh, both draft evaders, spout on about the secular war on Christmas and on the other George and the Boys try to act as anti-Christian as possible with Americans, Iraqis and Afghanistanis.

In conclusion, Will Hunting from the movie, Good Will Hunting, said it best: "Politicans send in the Marines to secure the area cause they don't give a shit. It won't be their kid over there, gettin' shot. Just like it wasn't them when their number got called, 'cause they were pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some guy from Southie takin shrapnel in the ass. And he comes home to find that the plant he used to work at got exported to the country he just got back from. And the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old jo cause he'll work for fifteen cents a day and no bathroom breaks."

"...Why not just shoot my buddy, take his job and give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe and join the National Guard? Christ, I could be elected President!"

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tell Them What They Need To Hear!!

President in a Bubble is having a difficult time selling Iraq these days due to a rise in insurgency, over 2000 American deaths, criticism from Iraq leaders and lastly, just unable to get it together.

Abu Ghraib and various other sites displayed Americans using torture techniques with at least a nod from the Secretary of Defense and the White House. Now, PIAB and Ms. Rice are attempting to convince not only us, but the entire world this nation never engaged in torture and scrupuously observed all international treaties regarding such.

Though educated, I must ask the following question: do you think we are damn stupid and have the memory of a dead walnut? Come on, people, we recall too plainly the numbness felt when all those ugly pictures of Abu Ghraib came out and your incessant chanting that "enemy combatants" had no rights. Your justification of torture as legitimate and necessary to save American lives and now you are trying to convince us it never happened.

Prozac can work wonders for you type of affliction and I must hardily recommend a trained mental health professional, preferably a PhD psychologist to help with you various problems. Cuz you certainly have them and not many of us.

Get it together or resign your positions, please....its time credibility, honor and honesty reentered our White House and obviously, you're not the ones..

Friday, December 09, 2005

Bill O'Reilly-Space The Final Frontier

Bill O'Reilly is having a difficult time making points about life and Christmas. His listnership has fallen off considerably and one gets the impression Bill was counting on his annual War On Christmas by the illusionary secularists routine to return him among the impaired leaders again. Unfortunately, Bill is a victim of his own lack of research and a more severe problem, not engaging brain prior to speaking.

His basic premise concerning Christmas was undercut by Fox Network selling all type of seasonal trinkets which had Holiday Greetings printed upon them. Of course, Bill had stated this was tantamount to treason and one would be justified to punch a person in the mouth who stated such, but O'Reilly backed down since he owes too much to them. After all, they paid his 12 million dollar settlement to the Associate Producer Bill sexually harassed and now he is somewhat indebted. To top it off, the President of the United States own greeting card also states Holiday Greetings again making Bill look like a schmuck. He just can't win!

He continues to insist he was from Levittown when he wasn't....grew up in the next town over in more affluent circumstances including private parochial schools, later a private expensive Catholic college and a two year jaunt to England for study as well (ironically, avoiding the draft by doing this!)

He continues to insist his parents were blue collar working class....but, father was a CPA who worked for a defense contractor and mother was a physical therapist-hardly blue collar working class.

Makes a big deal of his father never making more than $35,000 yearly. Of course, $35,000 in 1967 was equivalent to $95,000 today according to the Department of the Treasury which means, combining her professional salary as well, meant they weren't exactly poor. That was a lot of money considering GIs were getting $98 month starting pay.

Bill graduated from high school in 1967 and immediately enrolled in Marist College to receive his draft deferment. The Vietnam War was not going very well with losses at their highest point in 1968 when Bill decided to go to London for further study. Ironically, this was at the same time Bill Clinton was there, but no inference is made. It also meant O'Reilly could not be drafted since he was still in school, but also in a foreign land. He did return later when the draft was winding down and had little to fear from induction. His English studies were very strategic to assist his draft evasion.

One must ask what O'Reilly feared from being inducted into the armed forces? All his blustering right wing rhetoric seems to indicate he would have been a prime candidate for the infantry fighting in the dense Vietnam jungles, but like many of his Republican cohorts blowing so hotly since their draft was avoided also. You see, Bill was another silver spoon boy who had difficulty making decisions much less accepting civic responsibility. His current ego indicates it was someone else's problem and certainly not his until his sexually harassed his associate producer and Fox had to shell out $12 million.

In fact, Bill doesn't like to discuss the Vietnam War period and one senses the inveitable question of why he wasn't drafted or at least serve in some component will appear. Its a fair question, but chances are a straight answer could never be obtained from him. He's too busy emulating Joe McCarthy who at least served, but certainly not in the distinctive and heroic manner he bragged of.

Take it from me, Bill. You would have been a better person for serving and would have least learned your father didn't have to make all the decisions for you. Did you spend much time in France while hiding out from the draft?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Memories of Grandma

There are many fond memories of my Grandparents from my Iowa farm upbringing. Those recollections are regarded with warmness of days gone by in a different time. My Grandmother was 39 years old for 42 more years and that was all there was to it. One did not ask nor challenge her age since it was not proper and downright dangerous to boot. One time the new county tax assessor committed a drastic error by listing my Grandmother's date of birth and actual AGE on the assessment form. Those prior had simply written 39 in pencil and left it at that, but not this new one who was doing it by the book! She thrust it in front of me to reaffirm what she had read which was quickly done. A few seconds passed before I realized she was already out the door and waiting in the car for me to take her to Marshalltown to straighten this matter out with the "young whippersnapper." Grandma was unusually quiet while going there which is not a good sign. She perked up upon my parking in the county courthouse parking lot and bounded out the car with a fierce abandon while telling me to stay put since it wouldn't take long. She returned a few minutes later with a fire in her eye stating the matter had to be taken up with a higher power which I assumed meant a higher county organ for redress. Days passed and then she received a letter from the County Assessor apologizing for the previous form and promising the "inaccurate" age would never happen again. The letter was read to her and the age listed on the form quickly stated also. She smiled broadly in anticipation of my next question which was who was the higher power. Grandma quickly stated everyone has a mother, who should be respected, but the real power is the Grandmother. My Grandma has simply phoned his Grandmother relaying the troublesome deed thrust upon her by her grandson. Apparently, his Grandmother had made a special courthouse trip to inform the young one this type of behavior would not be tolerated and he had better change his ways. The frustrated assessor quickly consented much less he miss out on wonderful holiday dinners and a letter was quickly dispatched to those offended. Grandmother power is universal!

Another memory of her is the unique way she would always address anything medically wrong with a woman, including the common cold, as a "female problem." Aunt Doris had a female problem and had to undergo an appendectomy while cousin Carol also had a female problem and gave birth to twins. Her references to male family members were quite different and much more precise. Uncle Clyde had a duodenal ulcer which was related in great detail while preciseness was denoted when another male family member had to have surgery in his private area. Related by my Grandmother, he had surgery to corrected one testicle that was hanging lower than the other one and hopefully it would make him work harder at delivering a grandchild. One day I asked her why she went to such lengths to describe all women's medical issues as female problems while going into such great detail with men. She looked at me, smiled, and proceeded to educate me in the ways of the world. It was gently explained women had to put up with a lot and naturally, had a right to protect their civility whenever possible. Consequently, the right existed to regard any medical issue as private and the same did not exist for men since they lacked gentility. It was her way of saying don't buck the system and you'll be fine. It was a way of giving respect to the ladies for the hard work they did to raise the kids, maintain the farm, etc., which generally was not extolled. Therefore, don't take away a portion of their dignity by making it an issue. I didn't and remained a sparkle in her eye!

Every rural community had a drunk, floozie, gossip and other erstwhile characters which made up the fabric of that local society. Now, our local gossip lived north on the next farm over and was still trying to get over her husband leaving her for another woman. Of course, the gossip sort of forced her husband to leave with incessant chatter, recriminations and threats which finally did him in to the point where he threw up his hands and said, why not? He left and 15 years later, Evelyn was still complaining. One day she told a whopper to a new beau in her life about something my Grandfather had supposedly said causing him to drive over to our farm.
Granddad was in the fields and I had returned to gas up another tractor. I noticed this car pull up and an older man get out of the vehicle. Voices quickly raised and I headed for the house yard immediately just as my Grandmother picked up the broom, never a good sign in anger. The man was calling my Grandfather a variety of names and I made the suggestion he should leave while the going was good. He quickly addressed me in an expletive deletive and before I could address the situation, Grandma was after him with the broom launching direct jousts with occasional upper cuts and crosses. The guy fled in holy fear to his car, but it didn't end there. My Grandmother, all 135 pounds of her 5' frame quickly grabbed a brick and heaved it with such precision it broke his rear car window. I stood in amazement wondering why no professional baseball team had not drafted this amazing talented woman with such a fantastic pitching arm. I went to her and found she was laughing so hard to the point of tears. She said only the acts were regretted, but no one said bad things about her family; only she and Granddad had that right. Besides, this would give the "old heifer" (Evelyn) something to crow about and probably mean weeks of peace from telephone calls.

Rest in peace, Grandma. I miss you more than you know!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

But Its Different When It's Me!!!

Rush Limbaugh seems to be losing his grip after failing to stymie personal medical records release to authorities. Limbaugh is being investigated for doctor shopping, money laundering, illegal possession of narcotics, etc., since his housekeeper went public on him. He acquired painkillers through numerous physicians, termed "doctor shopping" and illegal, as well as apparently using his housekeeper to score more on a weekly basis using bank withdrawals of under $10,000 to prevent federal notice of the financial transaction.

Prior to that, Rush had been an avid golfer though claiming back injury after being outed caused his addiction to painkillers. He had been through at least one treatment program prior to his legal troubles and quickly went to another Tucson for a quickie stay. Anyone familiar with drug addiction can readily relate a week or thirty days of in-house treatment will not cure the affliction. Addiction is a major problem in this nation requiring drug program admission, counseling, psychological analysis and much more. The first obstacle is getting beyond the denial which Limbaugh seems to have the most difficulty with. He appeared to be somewhat sincere at first with his on-air apology, but then lapsed into the primary reason for his addiction being "the permissive Clinton years." The whole idea of "individual choice" he pushed earlier seemed to fall by the wayside in lieu of those permissive Clinton times. Not very believable, Rush!!

There are times when the best treatment is simply letting an individual listen to their own words and then judge for themselves rather than blathering in denial. Howard Stern, whom is not on my favorite list either, recent played audio tapes on his August 4, 2005, show of Rush lambasting drugs, the legal system sentences and addicting being a personal choice. You can listen to his comments from Stern's show by following this link,

Normally, one should show compassion for anyone suffering depending upon the amount of remorse, honesty and efforts displayed by the suffering person. In this case, Rush has not displayed remorse, honesty nor any efforts than denial regarding his drug use or alleged violations of state and federal statutes. Consequently, he is fully deserving of hypocrisy since prior show statements indicate his feelings regarding drug culture:

"We're going to let you destroy your life. We're going to make it easy and then all of us who accept the responsibilities of life and don't destroy our lives on drugs, we'll pay for whatever messes you get into."
-- Rush Limbaugh (Lack of) Show, Dec. 9, 1993

"I'm appalled at people who simply want to look at all this abhorrent behavior and say people are going to do drugs anyway let's legalize it. It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten idea and those who are for it are purely 100 percent selfish."
-- Rush Limbaugh (Lack of) Show, Dec 9, 1993

"If (Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders) wants to legalize drugs, send the people who want to do drugs to London and Zurich, and let's be rid of them.
-- Rush Limbaugh (Lack of) Show, Dec 9, 1993

"There's nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.

"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
-- Rush Limbaugh (Lack of) Show, Oct. 5, 1995
(Source: Conspiracy Planet)

"It's kind of like sentencing. A lot of people say that we have a heavy sentence for this crime and a light sentence for another crime, and what we ought to do is reduce the heavy sentence so it's more in line with the other. Wrong. In most cases we ought to increase the light sentence and make it compatible with the heavy sentence, and be serious about punishment because we are becoming too tolerant as a society, folks, especially of crime, in too many parts of the country."
-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 (lack of) show transcript.

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."
-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Now To Move It Down The Road......

Well, my name is Karl Rove and things are getting rather warm for me right now. Seem like when all these fine folk try to help, I just get deeper and deeper into the doo doo. I've told them several time to back off and just let the investigation take its course, but to no avail since the President thinks he now best which means a different spin each week.

Consequently, I am considering setting up in an entirely different field to make a living; a field where I can truly exert myself with full confidence and blissful pride forever growing. I want to go into the manure business; get a small spread, a few head of cows, some pigs, goats, bull, or maybe more and then let them graze, do their thing, and then I can superscoop it up, bring it back to the far, add my secret ingredients and make a mint of money rather than advise Dubya of his destiny. After all, he has talks with God which take up most of his time anyway and he won't miss me turd kicking at all. I am so excited to be back in the turds again. Finally, an aroma I can call my home!!

Those darn reporters won't come out see me then since the aroma will drive them away. Oh, yessss, and Scottie McClellan will like this too since it drives them away. In fact we could have executive meetings here since the President will like the old home smell of camel dung. It will be delightful.

Now, if only there was a way to get the Special Prosecutor a good whiff of this. Then he would lost focus and I would no longer be within his view. Sometimes he frightens me, but My Bud Guckert told me to be a good little Marine and I will be. After all, he was the best morale booster seen in the White House since I have been around. Just so much pananche and blitz appeal. He will help defend me against the Fourth Estate Hoard.

Enough of this, for I am Karl "Walking On Water" Rove by the right wing press....I just wish they would all shut up and let SA Fitzgerald do his job. Just want it over so I can go back to my favor crushing office in the White House. I like walking with the President-he swears a lot and it makes me excited; stimulates my thoughts. He was a cheerleader in college, you know.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Firefox Gains Popularity...

Firefox has gained immensive popularity as both an individual and business internet browser due to its simplicity of operation, speed and security. Installation is simple to say the least, but the real treats were the controls IE initially lacked: popups, spam and effective cookie control. They are relatively easy to set up and then can be with a simple click to identify the culprits.

Like many others, I started out initially using the Netscape browser and liked its overall ease of use and GUI. Then along came the Microsoft IE 1.0 and suddenly I was running two browsers instead of just the Netscape. Eventually, I scrapped Netscape completely and went solely to Internet Explorer with 6.02 being the last version. Somewhere during its use, awareness began of nasty little things called cookies and a third party vendor product was found to have control over them. Soon, it was noted control was not enough as my Norton Anti-Virus was not able to control certain invasions occurring.

Changes began in 2001 when a new computer was purchased along with broadband service and with this came a whole new attitude towards safety and security. Norton AV was scrapped and others were surveyed to determine which would be best for my needs and the winner: Kaspersky. Checkout firewalls as well and deviated away from Norton to initially McAfee and now ZoneAlarm Wireless Pro. AntiSpyware was the new war, however, and this was even a more difficult decision to make. Kaspersky does a good job at identifying viruses, trojans, and worms in addition to certain spyware. What I needed was an excellent anti-spyware to do the job to the point where security and reliability was believed in.

The conclusion arrived at after quite a bit of research was two different anti-spyware programs were needed instead of one. Microsoft Antispyware is already mire in controversy with its inclusion of CLARIA, a nasty piece of spyware which MS now owns. Initially, I began with something many use today-Adware, and then moved up to a peripheral, Spyware Blaster (an excellent product) coupled with Spybot Search and Destroy. A good piece of software, but there were lapses in updates which caused me to look around again to another product, PestPatrol. PestPatrol does good work, but my learning showed me each piece of anti-spyware approaches the beasties differently and one had to select the best one for your use and satisfaction. PestPatrol was gravitated away from for another excellent product, GIANT Antispyware. I was happy, regular updates attention, finding the bad guys and then it happened!!!>>>Microsoft purchased them. Before I knew, MS had pared down the original program to a semblance and even worse, it no longer detected the way it had before. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Finally, I found an excellent product called CounterSpy which is utterly fantastic, regular updates, security reports and makes me feel wanted. Spy Sweeper is run concurrently and they work well together to keep my system clean. MS Anti-spyware has a problem with either of these installed so it was cast upon the pile as a formerly good product before Bill got hold of it.

Meanwhile, all these security updates were rolling in for MSIE and I began feeling somewhat dubious of its safety. Again, the research began and suddenly there was Firefox and Mozilla.
It was a whole new world without the usual struggles with ActiveX security concerns, cookies and incessant updates. Now, Firefox 1.06 and Mozilla 1.7.10 are being run concurrently until Mozilla releases a Firefox Suite.

The Mozilla Foundation recently announced it would be discontinuing its Mozilla Suites in the future to concentrate solely on Firefox and an eventual suite. This, of course, is not good news for Bill Gates and Microsoft as Internet Explorer popularity has waned a great deal due to the well publicized federal monopoly suit, state versions, security problems and cost. Thunderbird has really applied itself during the past few versions and made substantial improvements. An integration between Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird for the calendar function would be ideal for many of us. And what is the single factor that makes Bill Gates and his staff go completely bonkers-their all free!!! While MS charges outrageously for various pieces of software for individuals, it really hits businesses with similarly outrageous fees for licenses. Time for a reality check, Bill.....Linux can be had free or purchased for a reasonable fee; Mozilla products are free; thus what is the picture being drawn here. Does one pay $225 dollars or so for OfficeXP or obtain something like OpenOffice free of charge. Duhhhhhhhhhh!!
Regardless, Firefox is fun and I encourage anyone who hasn't download a copy to do so and install for a fun time. And don't forget to download Thunderbird and Sunbird while you're at it. After installation, go to your bookmarks and click Mozilla Update, and then find extensions and themes. You will be amazed to see the variety of themes to be download and even more so by the number of extensions, commonplace ideas developed, you can find. Give it a try and see what you are missing using IE.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Us and Them

Goodness, gracious, John Byrne at Raw Story and Ron Brynaert at Why Are We Back In Iraq did the hardcore research that elaborated and expanded on the Rude Pundit's initial reporting showing Baa Baa Ann Coulter apparently plagiarized a column. This isn't surprising since charges of the same regarding her "books" substantiated major errors in facts, footnotes and overall lack of scholarship, but no lawsuit ensued from any quarter. Poor Baa, Baa, she just can't seem to find her groove lately after receiving criticism from both progressive and conservative quarters. Her latest escapade involves criticizing President Bush for selecting John Roberts as a Supreme Court Justice nominee after a shameful episode of cajoling 9/11 survivors. She's in it for the bucks and creating sensationalism is her stock in trade regardless of the subject.
Let's hear it for Karl Rove and the White House. They are spinning out excuses for Rove's questionable conduct faster than Dennis Rodman changing wedding gowns in his prime. Pointer George continues to qualify the previous qualification to his qualification about firing anyone who leaks classified information since doing so would mean him dismissing the President. It's readily apparent Karl needs to take a hike to Baghdad and remain there in an attempt to avoid the Special Prosecutor's tentacles, but then again he would do even more to disrupt the fledgling Iraqi government. Now a State Department memo has come forth showing the document Rove and Stephen Hadley, now National Security Adviser, learned about Plame from was classified TOP SECRET and her paragraph was designated SECRET. All in all, it’s a pretty pathetic scene with administration apologists still attacking former Ambassador Joe Wilson as a diversion. Accepting this type of behavior from employees is similar to the current president's father pardoning lawbreaking Iran-Contra participants. Either way, the symbolism is sad to fathom.
Microsoft has announced the name of their wholly new operating system, codename Longhorn, to be Windows Vista. The new system will be a cross between Apple, Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 98SE, XP, XP64, DOS, Atari and Sen. Oren Hatch. Does this make sense? All except Atari have a relationship, but the continually high cost of MS operating systems, perpetual security flaws and constant updates doesn’t jive either.
_____________________________________________________________________II I find myself concerned about people believing in conservatism very deeply and echoing the anti-liberal statements being somewhat condescending and labeling in their dialogues. Those seeking to use invectives, condescension or name calling of anyone representing an intellectual challenge should ponder Ann Coulter’s words:

"A central component of liberal hate speech is to make paranoid accusations based on their own neurotic impulses, such as calling Republicans angry, hate-filled, and mean." Her book, Slander, p. 19).

"Liberals don't try to win arguments, they seek to destroy their opponents and silence dissident opinions." ibid, p. 91)

"Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments...It's really all the same lie [that liberals tell], that conservatives are either stupid or scarily weird and therefore you don't have to deal with their ideas."

Interesting she is placing the onus on “liberals,” but thus far my only experiences with lack of civility has been with those affiliated with the right wing. Being neither left nor right, I write what is felt and leave it at that; then I am accused of not having my facts straight or just a “damn liberal”. I am only human, but research my facts very carefully before writing. Perhaps its that alone that frustrate some with my articles about Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. Nobody’s perfect and one has to accept human weakness along with the myth these two perpetuate about themselves. The real problem here is how President Bush and his true believers have successfully divided Americans into labeled categories of us and liberals. Good way to generate anger, level hostility and perpetuate the myth any problem was started by a liberal. Its simply amazing to see this happening since my relatives underwent the same thing in Germany during WWII since they were not of the right thinking species, “eggheads,” and therefore had to be declared enemies of the states since they refused to cooperate. They died in Auschwitz rather than become Nazis. Anger is a very dangerous thing in the hands of some who know not how to control it.

Next Time.....

Monday, July 18, 2005

2005, 1878, USA, Iraq

They came into my country spreading along like insects at night. Their cannons raked the villages and extended beyond like a distant rainstorm. They wore funny hard hats with cloth covering their eyes from sights chosen not to see. We were promised much to give up what we had, but those words were empty. We were viewed as enemy if we did not cooperate. They wanted our support, our ideas, our culture, our land, and our souls.

I remember walking across land beautiful from the spring rain as far as the eye could see. The water was clean and one could sleep safely at night listening to the sounds only nature could make. Now houses cloud my land, the water is impure and sleeping outside only means arrest or assault. It is confusing to see this happen, but the occupiers claim this is progress. Trees reach toward the sky in a silent plea for help while the military prowls like an angry pack of dogs and the outcasts stalk them like predators.

My family is told their beliefs are wrong by those claiming to be the new way. They came to this land following the military to change our way of life. Our deity is the same as the one they worship, but their beliefs revolve around a sense of superiority over others. They have no respect for us or our beliefs created centuries ago. What seems to matter is following their way, listening to their words and becoming what they desire which means everything we treasure will be gone.

Our women become frightened when the angry ones are around. They whistle, hoot and holler disrespectful things towards them and our complaints are not heard. Their words reflect cultural superiority, but their actions indicate disbelief with their own sacredness. They are hollow people whose respect is only for domination of any culture through the barrel of a gun rather than wisdom and knowledge.

My eyes are saddened to see this occupier come to this land spreading like locusts with their idea of civilization. The Old Ones say this will pass, but the land is beng churned for minerals and land sold off for profit. It is confusing to me since it isn't known why they are here nor what the value of their civilization is since so much is based on power and money.

What is the value of life to those who assault the land, kill the wildlife and disdain those who like upon it? There must be good people in their land, but their voice is so silent. This is sad to me since they profess liberty, democracy and freedom while their soldiers cover my land. They tell us of these things while we fear for our lives under their rule. All their ideas and modern things bring only despair while others try to make money off our fear.

I will go back to my sacred spot and pray for my people. They are slowly losing hope and lives due to violence, disease and futility. It is only right for us to honor them and pray the occupiers leave soon for us to survive. Their method of civilization means destroying us only to change us. Change is hard when their words are hollow and promises broken. Their only enemy is themselves.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tears of the Sun Musings

Watching Tears Of The Sun, starring Bruce Willis, about a SEAL team extracting an American doctor and several patients from potential massacre in Nigeria. Difficult not to think about massive deaths in Rwanda occurring over the past few years with very little being said in main stream press about this tragedy. Then again, there are so many tragedies going on in this world today with little regard being given.

Does any actor look so natural in a Navy uniform than Tom Skeritt?

Question to those who have never served and yet advocate war so easily>if killing is so easy, then why does everyone vomit after the first kill?

Karl Rove personifies those who never learn to do wrong knowlingly. They always seem to have a pious justification for every action compromising principle or morality. He's never served in uniform nor vomited after the first kill.

There are too many in this nation claiming the mantle of leadership without regard to the oath sworn or the people represented. Values and morality advocated are their own and are made impulsively to fit a given situation. Why>reelection, a sound byte, a better deal or anything to create positive public relations. Is this why my buddy threw himself on a grenade to save us in the Nam?

Hate is a four letter word signifying dislike, ill will for, loathing or despisement. How is it so many in this great nation came to hate anyone from the Middle East yet espouse their Christianity based upon a messiah of Middle Eastern birth? Would it have been any different if Jesus had been born in Cleveland or Detroit instead of Bethlehem? Probably not since many find a reason to dislike or hate when nothing is apparent; illusion is easier than truth and more convenient than dialogue. What is it about our moral and political leadership that uses hatred so easily as a tool to waltz convince the populace to go down the path without concern for those who feel the emotion or the recipients. Ironic that so many who hate in these leader positions have never participated in the ramifications of such actions nor seem to have compassion for those, i.e. Veterans, who have honored their wishes with courage, valor and sacrifice. If only true believers would believe........

The common tools of effective propaganda: glittering generalities, assertions, fear, insinuation device>leading question, lying/distortion, insinuation, simplification and card stacking/selective omission. You probably have been a victim at one time or another if their definition is not really known. More on this later.

Knowledge is power. College educations are costing more while many are increasingly denied the opportunity to achieve one. Illiteracy is a growing problem in this nation with many giving various reasons for the growing statistic. Bottom line is forget the blame, let's provide an education for all regardless.

Where in the World?

  • Almost 50% of the high school seniors in Baltimore, Maryland could not locate the United States on a world map.
  • 95% of American college freshmen tested could not locate Vietnam on a world map.
  • 75% of Americans responding to a nationwide survey could not locate El Salvador on a map.
  • 63% of Americans could not name the 2 nations involved in SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks).

Joint Resolution Television station WNEV in Boston surveyed high school seniors in 8 cities in 1987 to see what they knew about the U.S. and the world. This is what they found:

  • 39% of Boston seniors could not name the 6 New England States
  • 63% of Minneapolis seniors could not name all seven continents
  • 25% of Dallas seniors could not identify the country that borders the U.S. on the south
  • 58% of Dallas seniors were unable to name Vietnam as the Southeast Asia country from which the U.S. withdrew in 1975.

Our nation's literacy rate has not been tabulated since 1979 when the government claimed it was 97%. Various stats have been noted since, but it would be fair to state the 1979 figure is no longer accurate. Seemingly, there is a movement to return to the age of my Grandparents, rest their souls, where making a living was more important than earning an education. My Grandparents, however, the recipients of approximately 3 formal years of education, always emphasized the importance of knowledge based on their Depression Years experiences. They knew the first language our Declaration of Independence was published in-do you? Meanwhile, less Americans can effectively read, write or speak; nativism has replaced study of foreign languages; and masses are more easily led by disinformation.

Bottom line: Ignorance benefits from an impoverished mind; and a mind is too important to waste.


Friday, July 15, 2005

The Sith Strikes Back

The President of the United States will be holding a special news conference to discuss the Karl Rove situation among other items. Here is his press secretary, Sponge Scott McClellan, coming to the podium to begin denials;

Sponge: Good Morning, it has been a hectic week and remember, no Karl Rove questions since we are committed to let the investigation continue unimpeded since that wasn't done before while we were touting his innocence. Times change.

Press: What is the White House relationship to Robert Novak who actually printed the name of the CIA operative?

Sponge: The White House has always enjoyed Mr. Novak's columns and the President was happy to extend him a government contract for over $125,000 to continue that good work.

Press: Are you saying Novak was paid by this administration to disseminate your ideas leading to the outing of a CIA agent?

Sponge: Not at all, that unfortunate outing was the result of a sloppy clerical error committed by an E-2 who is now on his way to the Attu Islands. No big deal.

Press: Unfortunately, it is a violation of Title 50, the Intelligence Identities Protection Act for anyone to name an agent, operative, informant or source. So how is it not a big deal.

Sponge: (writing feverishly away, stops) What was the name of that Act again? The Intelligence Identities Protection Act. Okay, no problem, we'll have the President take it off the books this afternoon and it won't be a problem anymore. Bingo.....

Press: I don't believe this....the President cannot just submerge a law whenever. This can only occur with Congress through powers delegated by the Constitution.

Sponge: Oh, yeah!! We froze the Reagan and His Daddy's presidential records didn't we?

Press: When will the President be here? (he comes walking in onto the podium)

PIB: President In A Bubble here. Good morning, everyone, and isn't life wonderful when you omit so much of it?

Press: Mr. President, do you still have faith in Karl Rove?

PIB: Who?? Oh, Turd Blossom, you mean. Of course, he's only getting a few riled up. Happened all the time in Texas. Too many people got their bowels in an uproar.

Press: What is your position on him assisting to out a CIA agent?

PIB: Gosh, I love the smell of controversy in the morning when its recognizable to me. Been having these awful allergy attacks and think liberals may have something to do with it.

Press: Could you answer the question, Mr. President.

PIB: Yes, I don't believe Turd Blossom would do that without my express order.

Press: Did you place that order?

PIB: Of course, ham on rye with a touch of mayo and maybe a couple of Lone Star beers on the side.

Press: No, order Karl Rove to assist in outing a CIA agent?

PIB: Hey, I may be dumb, but I am not stupid. Karl can do his own dirty work, thats what he was hired for. All I ask is he doesn't get the press to ask me if I still have confidence in him or want to fire him and all that stuff.

Press: Do you?

PIB: Didn't I just answer that?

Press: Your popularity rating has gone down, Americans are questioning your honesty, Iraqi terror attacks have increased insurmountably and unemployment is up again.

PIB: Yep, now what's your point?

Press: Could you please comment on these?

PIB: popularity is always high since I write the polls; my honesty being questioned-impossible since I don't have that much; Iraqis should just stop this crap and let us build up the corporate structure need for Americans to own their country. Then the influential ones could be paid off and peace would reign. Unemployment means people out of work who don't want to work anyway. Its disgusting and not the American way.

Press: Will you testify under oath regarding the Karl Rove accusations?

PIB: Puleasssssssseeee....I am the oath so why double dipp? Look, Alberto told me I make the laws since I say them; and then we'll get him over to the Supreme Court to back me up on everything. Just keep Dan Quayle away cause I don't want comparisons to him.

Press: Mr. President, don't you have the slightest moral qualm about what you are doing?

PIB: As opposed to what? I am the best trained corporate man in the business who happens to find the White House each day, rain or shine except when I'm away. The American people love me; in fact, just the other day I was in Ohio and all those Librul papers said laid off workers would be protesting me since over 3,000,000 lost their jobs to outsourcing. Not that way at all..why Laura and I did such a haul on all those wonderful fruit, vegetables and eggs people were throwing to us. Never saw such big tomaters in my life, but that one egg was a bit smelly. Gave it to my Secret Service man to eat the next morning just to see if it was poisoned.

Press: Okay, Mr. President. I think we have everything in perspective. Will you make a statement of support for Karl Rove?

PIB: Who??? Turd depends on how deep he is in the doo doo. Bad-turn my back so fast he'll hear only a high wind like Ken Lay did; not so bad, he can come back to the office and we can drink Grape Nehis together and chat about the good one just put over.

I just love the way I operate; and everybody believes me. Two hooves good; 4 hooves better.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Computer Mental Health Problem

Just think about your poor innocent desktop, laptop or notebook computers....They serve you well and then placed back into the closet, beside the desk, under the bed and very seldom ask what they want to do. This trauma after being subjected to worms, viruses, phishing, Trojans, spyware and at times, indelicate humans. Now the psychological profession has created criteria to diagnose a new mental affliction: POST TRAUMATIC CYBERNETIC CHALLENGE DISORDER (PTCCD). Its a particular nasty affliction marked by episodes of depression, rubber smell, electrode dissension, CPU disorder and a fleeting desire to watch the first movie episode of Matrix repeatedly. Specialized computer mental health professionals are hard at work trying to find a treatment for this malady, but feel you, the public, can immediately assist by bonding with your specific computer to establish a firm social and personal relationship.

Consequently, The CPPTCCD (The Committee To Prevent Post Traumatic Cybernetic Challenge Disorders) (TCTPPTCCD) has outlined the following recommendations for all computer owners:

1. Take your computer for a walk and converse like anyone else listening to their ideas, sorrows, banters and dreams. Understandably, this may seem embarrassing at first in public, but gently place your unit in a baby stroller and pretend its your little bundle. Eventually, the actions will become commonplace and its easier to explain a new delivery than talking to a laptop. The best times are early in the morning while the CMOS battery is at peak power, ready to go and so are you.

2. Sit on a park bench, enjoy the sun and listen to either Alan Jackson or Beethoven. Computers seem to thrive on this music particularly a bass metallic sound. Develop a cultural bound when ascertaining which genres your unit prefers. Depending on age, some may prefer the quiet melodious sounds of classical while the younger may want to rock out to Hip-Hop or Rap. Well, give them Snoop Dogg Dogg and watch the happiness exude from the protective cover. Regardless, you will see a change in your unit particularly the young ones as more enjoyment and price develops. Don't be too concerned about the bandana hanging loose; or the signs given when you boot up or down at certain times. The older ones may tend to be cantankerous and demand to listen to Bruce Springsteen, Pink Floyd or Iron Butterfly. Just provide the melodious sounds for them and watch how fast they fall asleep. The poor little darlings need their relaxation and rest.

3. Activities to stimulate libidos and process some sort of stimulation to the opposite gender CPU. Stay away from the bawdy internet cafes and try to cloister more around viewing new computer commercials where the recent models are seen as buff and toned. An experiment showed Mac, Windows and Linux reacted positively to this stimulation and wanted to date the new Apple MiniMacs right away. Controlling your computer and placing activity limits is the hallmark of a responsible owner.

4. It is up to you to determine proper unit behavior and development within Committee recommendations to prevent TCTPPTCCD:

a. No inhaling compressed fresh air for a high.

b. Please, no Hamster Dance since loose circuits will result.

c. Observe at all times and DO NOT let the unit interconnect through another’sUSB if you desire Cyber Virginity.

d. Unsupervised parking with owner supervision should not be allowed due to a tendency towards meltdown during stimulating activities.

e. Closely watch AMD units since they are wild and wooly; go to the limit; and believe their is no tomorrow.

f. Provide a rocking chair for any computer named Commodore or Sinclair.

g. Any issue with compassion, concern and more memory.

You will notice a difference once these steps are put into place and eventually will take your unit everywhere just like another family member. Be careful not to overdo it since some humans may become concerned by your emphasis towards regarding the computer as your son, Larry for example. You might want to consider drawing the line somewhere just to save yourself a few psychological office visits thrust upon you by the neighborhood, friends or family. Don’t despair for eventually everyone will be bonding with their computer and you will be a legacy.,

Monday, July 11, 2005

Rush Limbaugh Implodes!


The affable, effervescent, windbag we know as Rush Limbaugh is facing a crisis of great multitude. His 19 month lawsuit seeking to prevent authorities from viewing his medical files for determining if a felony(ies) had been committed was lost. Now a Judge has sifted through all the papers and decided which will be seen by the prosecutor seeking possible charges of doctor shopping for narcotics, money laundering, possession of narcotics and many others. Rush's lawyers are shouting injustice, injustice, while others are silently hoping Rush has his day in court to determine whether innocent or guilty.

Mr. Limbaugh is best noted for his wicked distortions of facts to present a more affable and personalized point of view-his. Newsworthy items are often chopped up enough to begn seeing the liberal consipiracy in the baking of grandma's cake, probably laden with narcotics, or a poor Christina humanitarian dying in Iraq seeking to bring violence upon herself. His machinations are endless, but the real Rush is much more to fathom.

For all his pseudo-patriotism and blowing the horn, Rush Limbaugh has never served his country in uniform. Like many other hawks, Limbaugh used a medical reason to seek a draft deferment, an anal cyst, which isn't exactly life threatening. More so, it can be cured simply by a physcian lancing and then watching carefully for reinfection. In fact, Rush's facther had the same problem, but served more than honorably in World War II. Tis Limbaugh, however, felt that other people should be in uniform rather than him and received his deferment for a trivial condition while many others served honorably with far more serious conditions.

Rush has often criticized Vietnam Veterans and was particularly vicious a few years ago with comments concerning the homeless. In fact, Rush offered a solution to the whole social dilemma: simply picki them all up and bus them out. Not that he isn't socially conscious, but Rush failed to grasp one-third of those homeless were decorated Vietnam Vets who had a good chance of making it with a little understanding, therapy and kindness. Limbaugh's solution, however, was out of sight, out of mind; give them to someone's else's jurisdiction.

He did take flak for this and sort of recanted in a Rushian way. Controversy isn't new to him as many of us recall his quasi-racist statements concerning black athletes in the NFL which earned him a firing at ESPN. Rush's problem has always been with his words. He simply does not know how to arrange words in a dynamic flow to achieve a goal rather than being brusque and nearly abusive. His ESPN excuse was "they knew what they were getting when they hired me." That's true, but even Beano Cook was demoted for making racial comments on the air. Civility always plays an intricate part in the public communications market and Rush left his with one of his ex-wives.

He controls his stage very carefully like most outspoken pundits do. There was the time, however, when a mischievious Vietnam Vet got through to discuss John Kerry and then after setting Rush up, asked him why he wasn't drafted. Rush hummed, hawwed, blustered, and then blurted out a few fallacious lines about the military not having what he wanted and it was his choice not to serve. Gosh, he sure was in a different Selective Service that myself. It didn't work that way and millions in this nation know it from their own experiences. Finally, Rush hung up on the guy and then ranted and raved about him for the next hour.

What is it about looking at yourself in the mirror that bothers some of these outspoken commentators? O'Reilly getting busted for sexual harassment, but never really owning up to it after paying out something like $14 million to her. Michael Savage getting fired also from MSNBC for blurting out really idiotic and cruel remarks about AIDS sufferers. Ann Coulter getting canned from National Review, MSNBC and USA Today simply for being unprofessional. Yet to ask each of these, the primary reason was the liberal influence in today's media. Hardly, no one stood at their shoulder and suggested their various acts which resulted in their being noticed and/or apprehension. It's simply a fact that power accumulates with media visibility and with it develops a sense of sanctification; a feeling that they are above it all, even the law, and can do virtually anything and not have to worry about reprecussions.

Many have suffered from this the past few years and felt the stinging heat of light after being revealed. Martha Stewart convicted of lying to federal agents; Jimmy Swaggart committing sin with prostitutes, repenting, and then doing the same again; Jim Baker sodomizing a woman who filed charges eventually bringing down his empire; Richard Nixon-crook; Wilbur Mills; and many more who apparently felt their heightened status prevented any time of "little people" treatment towards them.

Reality is what it is. Diana Ross was busted in Tucson for drunken driving at 4AM. She was driving erratically and had been reported by citizens when she was stopped at a local closed video store seeking to return loaners. Her entire interlude was videotaped and later her attorney spent unlimited court hours trying to acquire that tape from the authorities. Meanwhile, Diana was convicted, but spent her jail time in a posh Connecticut facility where she was allowed to sign in and out. The Tucson authorities since have protested this incarceration and would really like for her to return to this city. She won't.

Bottom line is all should be equal under the law regardless, but we know this isn't so. There are many who doubt Rush Limbaugh or Michael Rove will be indicted, much less endure a court trial. I, for one, hope they both are and the facts brought out in a court of law to burst their little bubbles. It's time we realize the caliber of people many seem to idolize don't really possess strength of character nor another important feature, honor. Rove and Limbaugh has both abused their positions of trust with the American people and need to pay the price. In fact, they need to take several more with them as well, but it won't happen as attorneys are working round the clock to find technicalities. Regardless, they aren't the type of role models children need to emulate much less learn from.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Giant Heavenly Computer Dream

Occasionally this dream occurs where a giant computer is visualized controlling the entire planet Earth. The color is vivid, details succinct and Congress doesn't mangle the definition of spam. Its called a Giant Computer, but in reality no bigger than the former Mac Cube. The technology is highly advance to the point where my wandering fingers received a good jolt of joy juice when I attempted to look in. Not ready yet, I guess.......So I will observe and report back:

1. The operating system isn't Microsoft which means Bill Gates will not be entitled to residual licensing fees in the hereafter.

2. It's efficient and secure precluding security updates, critical updates, update updates, etc.

3. A finger moving in front of the monitor substitutes for the mouse. Middle finger action was not responsive whatsoever indicating Vice-President Dick Cheney hasn't used it.

4. One piece of software controlled everything from system to anything else needed. Our software industry would be devastated!! They would no longer be vendors......

5. Hackers, spyware creators, virus originators, etc. were automatically sent to the other place where they could obviously intrude on the really hot systems with specialists who will train them like the devil.

6. Computers are multifaceted audiovisual components where one could communicate, write, view, etc., on a wall mounted unit. And they were free due to the encouragement of knowledge dissemination.

7. No popups, popovers, popunders or advertising in any form. Just pure art, culture, books, plays, broadway, so much to see, so much to do. Even travel to Paris or London is a special portal to call a new play.

8. Linus Torvald is revered as a software deity who tried to bring free change to the masses.

9. The Blue Screen of Death is regarded a a computer history aberration meant to annoy rather than inform. Kinda like filling out a car before you use the bathroom.

10. Controls can be issued either verbally or through a virtual keyboard controlled by thought. All you have to do is send thoughts toward the keyboard and they mysteriously appear on the screen. You can do the same to have a conversation.

11. Their is a beautiful a beautiful scene depicting a blue sky, green grass and a single tombstone with MS RIP engraved on the outskirts.

12. Steve Jobs and Koz are working on some super products not revealed yet, but its cool..

13. Intellectual stimulation and competition is the norm instead of pursuing personal or collective gain.

14. Tux is in charge of overall morale and is currently planning a MS System Compter Shoot Skeet Contest using 105mm and 155mm howitzers. MS can also reply in kind as well. Slight problem, though, no projectile or powder in the howitzers so lets get those air guns going.

15. Lastly, it's only a dream, but they have an uncanny way of becoming reality to those bold enough to imagine. Where do you want to go today? Think! Just Imagine!

Where did they all go?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Has Knoppix Arrived?

A great idea and good style to boot-Knoppix. A friend brought over the latest issue and said give it a try to see what you think. Admittedly, I was accustomed to prior black and white releases until the booting process began and then there it was: COLOR. A fantastic GUI with color; they finally bridged the gap and now have a fully functional color GUI to convince people to use as a weapon against viruses, phish, malware, spyware, etc.

Somehow, I like the idea of a sitting computer that each employee pops in a Knoppix cd,boots up, does their computing, saves materials on a separate instrument, and then retrieves their own software from the CD tray before leaving. How much easier can it be compared to the present networking, perpetual security updates, etc? How much money and time can be saved?

The question, however, seems to be how to convince those many Microsoftites that much of their system work isn't really necessary. Just pop it in, process and remove from tray. You see, I tend to think simplicity is too much for a hard core Microsoftite to fully grasp initially, but will sink in. Many of us become involved in processes until the imagination kicks in to reveal perhaps a better way. There are no security releases; or 8-12 updated weekly; or SP1 or 2 to hurriedly install before Sodom and Gomorah of the cybernet occurs; a separate mentality to maintain; nor a annual monetary tithing to Redmond. I Knoppix has gained quite a following in Europe and the community is really responding to suggestions being given by the public for future innovation. Its really time for imagination to take hold again and provide the public with viable alternatives to overwhelming security concerns. If a major corporation like Microsoft cannot respond in a timely fashion, then third party vendors will step up as before to fill the void.

It's conceivable the entire system can be placed on Cruzer SanDisk or similar, 1Gb, with other software as needed and still have more than enough room to store correspondence, etc. This whole concept is stimulating; finally Linux is taking hold to the tremendous research and development capability worldwide.

Sorry, Bill, it seems apparent there are more exciting concepts coming out of homes than from your facility. The once cutting edge Microsoft had has been diluted with profit motive to the point where better solutions took hold. It won't be long before larger computer manufacturers will be offering Linux based systems again, perhaps even Knoppix, and all the king's horses, all the king's men, will never be able mount their throne again.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Rantings of a Third Encounter

Its July 5, 2005, the fireworks are over, combat Vets can relax again for another year and various politicians can check the polls to see if their speeches created a rise in popularity. Meanwhile, more GIs are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan midst the fireworks and various spoutings of patriotism at home.

President in a Bubble gave a speech at the University of West Virginia where he promised to remember NSC 68 and the Carter Doctrine for next year. PIB also stated he will recall his name at the beginning of the speech instead of the end for next July 4th. There are 50-1 odds he won't.

Karl Rove was seen buying a ouija board at a local spiritual shop prompting speculation he will attemtpt to divine himself out of trouble. Problem is, the CIA has larger boards and have been working at it a lot longer. Besides, President In A Bubble has a big problem with Karl. On one hand, if Karl is indicted and convicted of a major felony then the President has to decide whether to possibly pardon him, but doing so means going so on crime and anyone else who outs a CIA agent. Conversely, letting him carry the felony to a prison term could mean Karl opening up his box of secrets much to PIB's chagrin. What is a President to do? Well, he could start by doing something new and different, TELL THE TRUTH!! Then Karl could take his lumps and room with Ken Lay; together they could spin a new career for Lay to control energy sources in Iraq and Afghanistan. They could call the new corporation, JUSTDESERTS!!

Congress voted to reestblish the original Veterans spending into this year's budget much to President In A Bubble's dismay. George really has a hard time with Vets and I believe the reason has been ascertained. You see, George is not a Veteran since all his time was with the National Guard. National Guard duty is honorable, but PIB even messed that up by losing something like 15 months. 15 months of not checking in, drilling, etc., which normally would have meant desertion status, court martial and hard time breaking rocks. PIB, however, had a daddy who was a Representative and George submitted his resignation to attend Business School at Harvard. Now, this is where it gets interesting. George had been unceremoniously tossed off flight status in May, 1972, after he failed to undergo a flight physical. Simulataneously he was working in an inner city Houston program called Project PULL for some reason. Hmmmmmm He then tried to get a transfer to Alabama to work on a political campaign, but was first disapproved, but then was approved. Off he went to Alabama and never checked in. After not being around for several months, he suddenly proffered his resignatin to attend graduate school in Harvard. Off he went to Harvard with still two years left on his military obligation and a Texas Air National Guard discharge in his hand. BUT, to do so he had to sign an agreement to find a guard or reserve unit in the Boston area to complete his obligation. Well, George had more important things to do and simply did not show up at all. Now, the moral of this story is twofold: 1) Veterans funding are always easy pickings for Republicans since GIs are expendable; and 2) George is so jealous that the title of Veteran really has meaning to a lot of honorable mean and women who served with distinction. Something he couldn't and wouldn't do. Also, GIs got a GI Bill whereas PIB had to have Daddy give millions for a new building for him to get into Harvard. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just get drafted, learn some responsibility, and do your duty rather than have Daddy's friends pull strings for you to enter the Guard 3 days after graduating from Yale and then receive a direct commission hardly qualified for. Somewhere, there is a tolerable smell in Texas and it comes from Camp Mabry! George is just jealous and he just can't handle the envy for someone who can get a job done without one of his Daddy's frineds finishing it for him. Gosh, get him back to the ball park!!

Tom Cruise is engaged as if anyone really cares!! I always liked Katie Holmes, but wonder where her head is at these days? Perhaps she needs a conference call with Nicole Kidman, Mimi Rodgers and Penelope Cruz to straighten everything out or perhaps that not in L. Ron Hubbard's book.

President In A Bubble is scheduled to go to Europe this week if he can find enough hydrogen for the bubble. He wants to reassure the European Union their Euro is still stronger than the dollar despite himself. Europe is not impressed.

Okay, my checkings account is so stretched it is unbelievable! I keep wondering what it would be like to earn money for sensible writing and then look at Ann Coulter who does the opposite. If only I could produce theater like that, generate that much animosity and appear to suffer from such a lack of knowledge...I know, perhaps dreams will come true, but then I would have to give up common sense and really meaningful college degrees; perhaps even reading and writing! O Woe is me!

On that note, the magic hand has struck 2:21 AM and I have to be at my adopted Mom's place to cut her olleanders, dig that OLLEANDERS, like bushes, at 5 o'clock in the morning to cut them back. Now, she's one heck of a lady-two hip replacements, two carpal tunnel operations on her hands, two knee replacements and one hellatious attitude that keeps me straight. No grass grows under her feet and she even busier know that when doing duties as a school psychologist. Tell you a secret, though>she doesn't like politics being discussed in her home, but thinks Bush needs to come back from recess. WHOAAAAAAAA....

Monday, July 04, 2005

Computer Lesson Redux

I've been around computers a long time and still find many things to amaze me. Emerging technology makes products obsolete in a matter of weeks just when you get to the point of adjustment thus creating consternation over the amount of money spent. Many of us still have Zip drives whether 100MB or 250MB that are still extremely useful. I don't put as much information on them as before since the CD/DVD burner hold more and thus a better workout. I began thinking about my computing in this vein one day last week and decided to make a foray into the local economy to check out Alien computers. There's only one store selling them here and the Alien portion is always on as aisle corner where the system can really be worked out before getting the strange sales people glares. Exoticcccccccc!

Journeyed over to Worst Buy to see the Alien and quickly found myself working the keyboard to get this system really up and running. It had good response, top of the line innards and a hefty chip to push everything around. The case look fantastic; just bizarre enough as an alien to be cool, but conventionl to be placed anywhere except in a funeral home where it may cause mass hysteria amount member attending a fundamentalist funeral. Response was excellent and I was just going into the utilities to check when my mind stopped, nose tingled and then, there he was. The young salesperson resembling Carrottop and my first thought was simply: don't have the same voice and sthick. Closed my eyes and thought it was only a dream, but popping them open found Carrottop next to the Alien next to me. He smiled and I wondered what to do.

CarroTTop asked if I had taken the system through the hoops yet and naturally I returned a wise ass remark of not, yet, have to open her up and check all the boards. Sooner that one can squeeze eye of newt through a pinhole, the side was open, computer lying down, and he asked where I would like to start. A flashlight was produced and what followed was the first forensic autopsy of a live computer in a public place with two guys resembling CarrotTop and Wilfred Brimley. Hollywood would have had a field day!.

The case open well and everything was in plain view, easily accessible and well organized. CarroTTop went through the whole spiel in an amazingly similar voice explaining everything in very basic detail. Well, I thought, if he's made that deduction, then I will play dumbo to the hilt.

He was explaining the power unit functions when I inquired when did it work? He stared at me for a few seconds attempting to determine whether I was really dumb about computers or the son of a bimbo. He politely explained it works after being plugged in and the computer turned on. Always than salespeople, they like that and it makes them feel wanted. His slid over to the memory stating the system current had a gig installed, but more could be if desired. Hmmmm, I said, and then I wonder if you could explain all designation on a memory stick. He proceeded to elaborate on kb, mb, gagabye, memory function, and why more memory is usually needed. Is any memory manufacturer recommended over another, I asked. Carrot informed me he usually went with Crucible at or Viking; but it depended on price at the time. Almost mentioned PNY had an excellent reputation, but told me stay away from swap meets, etc., since those may be castaway problems someone decided to dump at a low price. Hmmmm, I though, this guy knows his stuff.

Slowly work our way around to the NIC card and Carrot explained the function to me very thoroughly statng the card used in this system, D-Link, was highly recommended. In fact, Alien Computers use high grade parts and peripherals throughout their invidual computers; and the price reflects it. Anyhow, the topic of broadband service was broached and CarroTTop had DSL at home through Qwest and I have Cox Cable. He had to have an extra line run for DSL to provide service after waiting for Qwest availability for a few weeks. Cox had mine set up and running within 3 days and was I ever happy. Like a kid in an ice cream store run by an Uncle who tells you to eat whatever you want and then be sick for 2 days. I managed to ask how he liked Qwest DSL and a strange gray pall descended down his face resembling a death knell. Quickly told him he didn't have to discuss this, but he relented and offered to do so. CT has been experiencing connection problems with Qwest and has contacted them several times only to be dismayed when he is on hold and then transferred more times than President Bush in the Air National Guard. Finally, he asked for a supervisor who transferred him a special IT unit handling DSL who answered his question in 5 minutes, scheduled a maintainenance visit and CT has patiently waited two weeks. Now, I don't normally given out Arizona trade secrets, but this was one of those cases where it was needed to bring more redness to his hair.

Told CarroTTop he needed to contact the Arizona Utility Commission and offer to file a complaint. Suggested the want to do the right thing, but so fed up with all this mullarkey from Qwest attitude with slight symptoms of clinical depression. Guaranteed there would be more technicians running around that place that at the Battle of Gettysberg. Told me he would do that as he closed up the Alien and I thanked him.

Made a special point of going back in a week or so later and there he was laughing with the folks with no sing of decadent gray. Shook his hand and asked how his DSL was going. CarroTTop related he went to the AUC and filed the complaing and was contacted by a secretary of the Qwest regional vice-president's office within 2 days who explained they would be closely monitoring the resolution. 8 Technicians and 4 supervisors should up to find 3 small mistakes and 2 biggies in his line. They proceeded to correct all errors and then gave him a month of free service to compensate for wasted time and 30 more days for inconvenience. CarroTTop said he liked that and appreciated the idea. Said he felt so good he actually went on a Microsoft site using a Linux system just to show a form of dissidence to Microsoft. Had nothing to do with Qwest, I guess, but there was a good purpose somewhere. He's a good guy.

Moral of this story is never endure a problem, contact the company, set up a maintainenace visit and monitor what is done. If not happy, contact the supervisor to come by and take a gander at the completed work. And if still not happy, get hold of the same supervisor who will, in turn, bring their supervisor to check it out. Be sure to take complete notes, time, dates, names, rank, etc. for reference and then call your state's version of the utility commission. It's fun to see how fast people react to an official government inquiry and more so to see even supervisors working.

Keep cool computing!!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Joe McCarthy Reborn In Ann Coulter

It's not that Ann Coulter's recent comments on Gitmo lacked some legitimacy, but taxing to note a typical Coulter pattern of developing some logic rendered ineffective through verbosity and convoluted thought. Even conservative analysts give her some credit, but then she goes off the deep end successfully stymieing any gained rational thought. Perhaps, this is why her most common writing technique is a shotgun approach spiced up a bit with invectives, sensationalized and then lost logic by the last sentence. For example, it would be easier if problems were simply the workings of a single group, but we know this isn't so. Her tiring attempt to blame all societal ills on liberals is matched only on equally infinite blame of Bill Clinton for inclusive morality problems since the Monica affair. It is not only an affront to intellectuality, but certainly not indicative of the fine academic institutions she graduated from, Cornell University and the University of Michigan. Secondly, the continued information distortion and blatant abuse of academic validation, i.e. her book notes, only emanates from her undying admiration for the late Senator Joseph McCarthy who perfected these techniques in his writings and speeches. Neither his nor Coulter's words can stand up to fact checking nor academic scrutiny; and one has to struggle to get beyond the ill-defined crafting to understand her real intent: selling more books. The best example is to simply let Ann Coulter prove she is her own worst enemy:


Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.
[Town Hall, September 14, 2001,, This Is War, Sept. 12, 2001, from her syndicated column We Should Invade their countries, September 13, 2001 Her later excuse was she wasn't speaking of all Muslims, just some, but not all the time, but only some of the time: Coulter says her line about "convert them to Christianity" has been misconstrued and was aimed at those celebrating the attacks. "I wasn't talking about Muslims generally," she says. "I was talking about the crazed homicidal maniacs dancing in the streets." [The Washington Post, October 2, 2001]

However, excerpts from Coulter's Book, How to talk to a Liberal(If You Must), indicate it wasn't a word play or joke as some argue. Two days after 9/11/2001, Coulter wrote of invading Muslim countries, killing their leaders and forced conversion to Christianity. Hardly Christian, much less American in values or accepted behavior. In fact, Coulter's statements were considered so outrageous even the conservative National Review fired her while conservatives condemned her comments. However, after many attempts to rationalize her statements, Coulter wrote this in the above cited book:

"I am often asked if I still think we should invade their [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. The answer is: Now more than ever!"

Further, Ann offers way to improve air travel safety in the same book:

* April 28: On racial profiling and air travel:

"Like many of you, I carefully reviewed the lawsuits against the airlines in order to determine which airlines had engaged in the most egregious discrimination, so I could fly only that airline. But oddly, rather than bragging about the charges, the airlines heatedly denied discriminating against Middle Eastern passengers. What a wasted marketing opportunity! Imagine the great slogans the airlines could use:

"Now Frisking All Arabs -- Twice!"
"More Civil-Rights Lawsuits Brought by Arabs Than Any Other Airline!"
"The Friendly Skies -- Unless You're an Arab"
"You Are Now Free to Move About the Cabin -- Not So Fast, Mohammed!"

A week later, she detailed a five-point plan guided by an "all-new standard for airline safety procedures:.procedures that [actually] make the airplane safer" of which point 3 proposed requiring "passports to fly domestically". "Passports can be forged", she continued, "but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males". Point 4 observed, "All 19 hijackers in last week's attack appear to have been aliens.... [Legally,] Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave." From her syndicated column, Where's Janet Reno When We Need Her? September 20, 2001

"Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave....We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males." Her syndicated column two weeks after 9/11, 2001

"Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity (as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of 'kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed)." - from her column at, March 4, 2004.

"The Times was rushing to assure its readers that 'prominent Islamic scholars and theologians in the West say unequivocally that nothing in Islam countenances the Sept. 11 actions.' (That's if you set aside Muhammad's many specific instructions to kill nonbelievers whenever possible)" From her book, How to Talk to a Liberal(If You Must), 2004.

On [Fox News Channel's February 7th] Hannity and Colmes, Alan Colmes confronted Ann Coulter with the following statement she made at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference: We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too."
Coulter whined to Colmes, "I didn't know we were talking about this tonight, but now that you've sprung it on me..." but confirmed she made the comment and boasted it was a "huge hit with the audience."
Colmes: "You hate liberals. You despise liberals. This is unbelievable.We should execute them to make liberals scared?"
Coulter: "Right. Right!" Hannity and Colmes, Feb. 10, 2002


"The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail." on ibid, Aug. 24, 2001

"I have to say I'm all for public flogging. One type of criminal that a public humiliation might work particularly well with the juvenile delinquents, a lot of whom consider it a badge of honor to be sent to juvenile detention. And it might not be such a cool thing in the 'hood to be flogged publicly." MSNBC, Mar. 22, 1997

"I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal...[The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start." Politically Incorrect, 5/7/97

"In the corporeal world, international law is whatever the United States and Great Britain say it is." From Slander,"

"If they have the one innocent person who has ever to be put to death this century out of over 7,000, you probably will get a good movie deal out of it." on MSNBC 7/27/97


"Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy." Her syndicated column, Liberalism and Terrorism, May 26, 2004

Donahue: "I just want to make sure we got this right. Liberals hate America. They hate all religions except Islam. Liberals love Islam, hate all other religions."
Ann Coulter: "Post 9/11."
Donahue: "Well, good for you." The Phil Donahue Show, MSNBC, July 19, 2002

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do." Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002.

"I really want to hurt him. I want him to feel pain." (Referring to the possibility of running against a Democratic Representative) Quoted in the Hartford Courant, June 25, 1999 NOTE: Ann wanted to run against the Democratic Representative, but the Libertarian Party of Connecticut rejected her as being too divisive.)

"Conservatives believe man was created in God's image, while liberals believe they are gods. All of the behavioral tics of the liberals proceed from their godless belief that they can murder the unborn because they, the liberals, are themselves gods. They try to forcibly create 'equality' through affirmative action and wealth redistribution because they are gods. They flat-out lie, with no higher power to constrain them, because they are gods. They adore pornography and the mechanization of sex because man is just an animal, and they are gods. They revere the UN and not the U.S. because they aren't Americans -- they are gods."

"The FBI allowed thousands of Americans [in the WTC] to be slaughtered on the altar of political correctness. What more do liberals want?" From her syndicated column, This Whistle-Blower They Like, June 13, 2002

"When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors." address before the Conservative Political Action Conference, Jan. 2002

"The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals." Quoted in the Washington Post, Aug. 1, 2000

"Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now." Slander, p. 6

"If liberals were prevented from ever again calling Republicans dumb, they would be robbed of half their arguments. To be sure, they would still have "racist," "fascist," "homophobe," "ugly," and a few other highly nuanced arguments in the quiver. But the loss of "dumb" would nearly cripple them." ibid, p. 121

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote." Hannity and Colmes, Aug. 17, 1999

"The swing voters? I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don't have set philosophical principles. You're either a liberal or you're a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. " Beyond the News, FOX News Channel, June 4, 2000

"Giuliani wants to have a national ambition, and I'm a big fan of his, but he's going to have to become pro-life if he wants to run for president. No one ever believed he was pro-choice anyway - here's a Catholic from Queens," she says, adding, "most Americans understand that Manhattan is the Soviet Union." Quoted in "All Smiles On GOP's Right Wing",, Sept. 1, 2004


"Kwanzaa itself is a lunatic blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism. Indeed, the seven 'principles'of Kwanzaa praise collectivism in every possible arena of life – economics, work, personality, even litter removal." From her syndicated column, Kwanzaa: A Holiday from the FBI, Dec. 24, 2002

"I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal ... [The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start." Politically Incorrect, May 7, 1997

"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming, liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society." Slander, p. 26

"(Again, talking about the 2002 Academy Awards) "Whenever white liberals are in trouble, they always run to the blacks. Immediately after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, Monica went to a Washington Wizards game where she hoisted some poor unsuspecting black girl onto her lap in full view of the cameras. Bill Clinton dropped the subtlety and dashed off to Africa. After his abomination of a presidency, Jimmy Carter built housing in Harlem."

"Apparently, Oscars night was Hollywood's shot at patronizing blacks to generate goodwill -- perhaps as wartime penance for its long-standing hatred of America." -- Ann Coulter's "I Like Black People Too, Julia!" 4/1/02,"


"The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." From her syndicated column "Oil Good; Democrats Bad" October 12, 2000

Ann Coulter: I take the biblical idea. God gave us the earth.
Democratic Strategist Peter Fenn: Oh, OK.
Coulter: We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees.
Fenn: This is a great idea.
Coulter: God says, "Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours."
Fenn: Terrific. We're Americans, so we should consume as much of the earth's resources...
Coulter: Yes! Yes.
Fenn: ... as fast as we possibly can.
Coulter: As opposed to living like the Indians. Hannity and Colmes, June 22, 2001


"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building." - in a New York Observer interview August 26, 2002.

"Of course I regret [the previous quote]. I should have added 'after everyone had left the building except the editors and the reporters.'" - in a interview June 26, 2003.

"The only standard journalists respect is: Will this story promote the left-wing agenda?" How to Talk to a Liberal, 2004.


"People like you caused us to lose the war." (to a disabled Vietnam Veteran Bobby Muller) MSNBC, 10/11/97

"During an interview with FAIR's radio show CounterSpin (8/9/02), Coulter challenged a story about her reported by Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz:

Howard Kurtz made up a quote about a Vietnam vet, which he knows he made up, which has now run twice in the Washington Post, once in Talk magazine, once in People Magazine, once in the Washingtonian. It's something I allegedly said on TV. Why doesn't somebody produce a tape of that?

Coulter was referring to Kurtz's account of a 1997 debate on MSNBC's NewsChat show (10/11/97), when Coulter was a paid MSNBC contributor. According to Kurtz (Washington Post, 10/16/98), "Coulter was debating a disabled Vietnam vet when she snapped: 'People like you caused us to lose that war.' (She says she didn't know the guest, appearing by satellite, was disabled.) That ended her MSNBC career." (My note-hard to believe since Bobbby Muller lost both legs and is wheelchair bound.)That Post report, Coulter told CounterSpin, was "absolute lies.... It's absolutely out of character for me." Extra! asked Kurtz about the charge that he'd fabricated the quote for his report. In an email, Kurtz responded: "The account of Ann Coulter's remarks to the veteran on MSNBC was provided to me by Coulter herself, who told me she liked the piece and never complained about the passage until she was trying to sell books." Kurtz also told Extra! that MSNBC had confirmed that Coulter was let go after making such a comment to a disabled Vietnam veteran.

In the MSNBC NewsChat segment, in which Coulter debated Bobby Muller, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, her exact words to the paralyzed veteran were: "No wonder you guys lost." She was interrupting Muller's point about the role that landmines played in the Vietnam War: "In 90 percent of cases that U.S. soldiers got blown up--Ann, are you listening?--they were our own mines." Muller responded to Coulter's remark with an incredulous "Say that again," while moderator Felicia Taylor sharply rebuked the in-house pundit: "OK, we're not going to get into that conversation. Ann, that was unnecessary! Mr. Muller, please continue...."

Coulter could say that Kurtz did not quote her exact words--though considering that she was the apparent source of his report, which would take some chutzpah. "People like you caused us to lose that war" is a fairly accurate paraphrase of "no wonder you guys lost," so there's no sense in which Kurtz's article is an "absolute lie" that depicts her saying something "absolutely out of character for me." (Coulter responded:) "I never said they didn't."

"February 11: On former Senator Max Cleland (D-GA): "Luckily for Cleland's political career and current pomposity about Bush, he happened to do it [lose an arm and both legs] while in Vietnam."

"Then there are the 22 million Americans on food stamps. And of course there are the 39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security. The greatest generation rewarded itself with a pretty big meal." - WorldNetDaily, December 2, 2003.

"[Learning difficulties are a cover for] rich parents with dumb kids...That's why 'Pinch' Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, is alleged to have dyslexia - because he's retarded" The Independent, 16 August, 2004


"I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote. No, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting -- and your Communists will back me up on this -- is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care." Politically Incorrect, Feb. 26, 2001

"I think the other point that no one is making about the abuse photos (Abu Ghraib) is just the disproportionate number of women involved, including a girl general running the entire operation. I mean, this is lesson, you know, number 1,000,047 on why women shouldn't be in the military. In addition to not being able to carry even a medium-sized backpack, women are too vicious." - from Hannity and Colmes, 5 May, 2004

"...a cruise missile is more important than Head Start."Ann Coulter, Nov. 2001 speech rebroadcast by C-Span in Jan. 2002,

"It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 - except Goldwater in '64 - the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.",3605,956452,0... ) May 17, 2003.

Assessing President George W. Bush's recent gains among female voters, according to some polls, Coulter remarked during an appearance on the September 23 edition of FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes: "I'm so pleased with my gender. We're not that bright.


KING: If then were now, they couldn't make a case against Thomas Jefferson.
COULTER: He was never president.
(my note: Thomas Jefferson was elected President in 1800)
KING: One at a time. Alan then Ann.

COULTER: I believe the reason for this is because of the one impeachment of a president, of Alexander Hamilton, was over Hamilton's refusal to enforce an unconstitutional law, so Congress was accusing the president...
DERSHOWITZ: You've got the wrong president, Ann. Ann, you've got the wrong president. It wasn't Alexander Hamilton, it was Andrew Johnson.

"Coulter started more restrained than usual, though she predictably bashed Hollywood liberals for trying to undermine the historical standing of a president they despised by resorting to trashy revisionism. Perhaps she even had a point. Who could tell what the producers were aiming at? But then she jumped the tracks. She claimed that the movie Patton was made by Holly-libs with "hatred in their hearts" for George S. Patton, the brilliant but erratic World War II general. These filmmakers "intended to make Patton look terrible," she maintained, but because they produced an accurate work, the movie ended up making "Patton look great and people loved him."

Was Patton a left-wing Hollywood conspiracy that backfired? Host Chris Matthews immediately challenged her in his subtle fashion: "You are dead wrong." He pushed her for proof, and she replied, "That is why George C. Scott turned down his Academy Award for playing Patton." Coulter was suggesting that Scott had spurned his Oscar because the filmmakers plan to destroy Patton's image by portraying the general "as negatively as possible" had gone awry.

Matthews wasn't buying. "Who told you that, who told you that?" he shouted. Her Oracle-like response: "It is well known." She added, "Why did you think he turned down the award, Chris? You never looked that up? It never occurred to you?"

Matthews retorted, "Because he said he wasn't going to a meat parade, because he didn't believe in award ceremonies." And Matthews was right. Following the show, I took Coulter's advice and did look it up. I found a 1999 obituary of Scott that noted he had stunned Hollywood in 1971 for being the first person ever to refuse an Academy Award. He had explained his action by slamming such awards as "demeaning" and he had dismissed the Oscar ceremony as a "two-hour meat parade." Coulter had twisted this well-documented episode into yet more proof that liberals--especially those in Hollywood--are conspiratorial traitors." Chris Matthews, Hardball


"One of the most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era in great detail, Ron Radosh, is appalled at the damage Coulter has done to the work he and many others have painstakingly done over the years. "I am furious and upset about her book," he told me last week. "I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments. You might recall my lengthy and negative review in The New Republic a few years ago of Herman's book on McCarthy; well, she is ten times worse than Herman. At least he tried to use bona fide historical methods of research and argument." Now Radosh has endured ostracism and abuse for insisting that many of McCarthy's victims were indeed Communist spies or agents. But he draws the line at Coulter's crude and inflammatory defense of McCarthy. "I think it is important that those who are considered critics of left/liberalism don't stop using our critical faculties when self-proclaimed conservatives start producing crap."

"[In response to Mike Barnacle] I've been promoting my book today so I haven't read the [Ninth Circuit] decision [declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional]. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding about my coming on this program to talk about my book. But I will guess that the judges who said the pledge of allegiance violates the constitution were appointed by Democrats and not Republicans. I haven't looked at the decision, I haven't heard about the decision. But that's a wild guess I'm going to make.... [Later, responding to Katrina van den Heuvel] Oh, I'm just waiting to see if anyone will take any bets on me on whether the judges who wrote this decision were appointed by a Democrat or a Republican." MSNBC's Hardball, June 27, 2002, NOTE: The decision was rendered by Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, appointed by Richard Nixon, a Republican, in 1971

Coulter's Treason was marketed as "an explosive defense of Joseph McCarthy," and indeed, she finds much to admire in the man: "The myth of 'McCarthyism' is the greatest Orwellian fraud of our times. Liberals are fanatical liars, then as now. The portrayal of Sen. Joe McCarthy as a wild-eyed demagogue destroying innocent lives is sheer liberal hobgoblinism. Liberals weren't hiding under the bed during the McCarthy era. They were systematically undermining the nation's ability to defend itself, while waging a bellicose campaign of lies to blacken McCarthy's name."

Arnold Beichman, a conservative from the conservative Hoover Institute, reviewed Treason in the arch-conservative Washington Times, and wrote that he'd "tried to read Miss Coulter's book and failed. Life is too short to read pages and pages of rant."

After I described this exchange to someone who once worked with her, he said, "That's Ann. She lives in her own world and she just makes things up." This interlude concerned a small matter. (Who knew we would be debating one of my favorite movies?) But this minor dustup provided evidence to support a serious charge. As Matthews remarked while wrapping up the segment, "Facts mean nothing to you, Ann." If so, why continue to have her on? David Corn, 11/5/03, Nation Magazine

The same could be asked of Ann Coulter since, as David Corn, stated, "is an illustration of how a certain kind of virulent right-wing politics is based on emotion, not reason. Almost to a one, I found that the most hateful voices on the right were venting their own deep-seated problems and frustrations." David Brock, Washington Post, Feb. 26, 2002

For those who seek to use invectives or name calling towards myself or others in Ann Coulter defense, the following is submitted for you to ponder:

"A central component of liberal hate speech is to make paranoid accusations based on their own neurotic impulses, such as calling Republicans angry, hate-filled, and mean." Her book, Slander, p. 19).

"Liberals don't try to win arguments, they seek to destroy their opponents and silence dissident opinions." ibid, p. 91)

"Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments...It's really all the same lie [that liberals tell], that conservatives are either stupid or scarily weird and therefore you don't have to deal with their ideas."

Somewhere the late Senator Joe McCarthy is smiling down on Ann Coulter, but he learned as she will also, their content do not reflect American values millions of citizens fought and died for to preserve our way of life and Constitution. She has no defense for using the word "traitor," and is careful of applying individuals with that term, but does so openly on groups knowing the laws of slander. Hate is something this society could do without, but Ann Coulter continues to divide Americans during these troubled years and like those before her, has no defense for her insidious actions. Most of us are progressive in some beliefs while conservative in others; a right inherited by birth. Regardless, my citizenship is 100% United States of America solidified by honorable military service to my nation during time of conflict. Yet, her labeling would smear me with being a "liberal, traitor, etc." simply due to challenging her viewpoint, being a Vietnam Veteran which she has animosity towards, a writer of sorts and a believer in the constitution. Its easier to demean for what she thinks I am, rather than meet me to find what and who I really am. That would not lend support to shock value and sell books. That, my friends, is un-American since the Constitution defines free speech and expression as cornerstones of our republic. There is no doubt this writer would fight for Ann Coulter's right of free speech even if it meant my demise, but it is fairer to ask her to be accountable for what she does say. I already accept the fact her life would not be offered up for my right of free speech since that wouldn't sell books. That is the other cornerstone of our republic-accountability which she absolves herself from. The problem is many want to believe her as a simple problem solver for complexities befalling them rather than choose their own path; it's easier and painless. The most appropriate way to end this is by quoting Mr. Joseph Welch during the defining moment of the Army-McCarthy hearings after Senator McCarthy had attempted to foist a lie and smear an attorney in Mr. Welch's firm who had not labored on this case. McCarthy, however, was upset at the incisive questioning of Roy Cohn, one of his favored employees, and disregarded an agreement between McCarthy, Cohn and Welch which forbade bringing up Welch's attorney if Welch would not reveal Cohn failing his West Point Academy physical and specifics:

Mr. Welch: ...Little did I dream you (McCarthy) would be so reckless and cruel as to do an injury to this lad...It, is I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I will do so. I like to think I am a gentleman, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.
Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, page 630-631.

NOTE: McCarthy, however, much like Coulter, would not give up his attack strategy even when wrong and this is what ensued:

Mr. Welch: I meant to do you no personal injury and if I did, I beg your pardon. (to Roy Cohn) Let us not assassinate this lad further. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?
ibid, p. 631.

So I humbly ask of Ann Coulter, have you no sense of decency; no decency when you deride honorable disabled war Veterans; have you no sense of decency of those immortal words, "All Men Are Created Equal" as you spew your venom towards people not meeting your racial profiling, but are American Citizens; and lastly, have you no decency towards Senior Citizens, Women and the Disabled in this nation. Most of all. have you no sense of decency towards yourself and this Nation? If there is a shred, even the tiniest morsel, then PLEASE forsake the selling only books syndrome, the utter irresponsibility of distortion and refrain from public comment for a full year. Its the ultimate challenge for you since practicing law would mean pursuit of the truth; concept which you seem to have forsaken in your attempt to give your soul for Wales.


A Systematic Accuracy Check of Ann Coulter's Best-Selling Screed,
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right

Ann Coulter: The Jargon Vanguard
By Brendan Nyhan July 16, 2001 Scoobie Davis interview with Ann Coulter Transcripts of Donahue and Katie Couric Interviews

Coulter getting owned. (Quicktime)

9/21 Bryan: Coulter advocates profiling of Arab "aliens," deportation