Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Friday, December 09, 2005

Bill O'Reilly-Space The Final Frontier

Bill O'Reilly is having a difficult time making points about life and Christmas. His listnership has fallen off considerably and one gets the impression Bill was counting on his annual War On Christmas by the illusionary secularists routine to return him among the impaired leaders again. Unfortunately, Bill is a victim of his own lack of research and a more severe problem, not engaging brain prior to speaking.

His basic premise concerning Christmas was undercut by Fox Network selling all type of seasonal trinkets which had Holiday Greetings printed upon them. Of course, Bill had stated this was tantamount to treason and one would be justified to punch a person in the mouth who stated such, but O'Reilly backed down since he owes too much to them. After all, they paid his 12 million dollar settlement to the Associate Producer Bill sexually harassed and now he is somewhat indebted. To top it off, the President of the United States own greeting card also states Holiday Greetings again making Bill look like a schmuck. He just can't win!

He continues to insist he was from Levittown when he wasn't....grew up in the next town over in more affluent circumstances including private parochial schools, later a private expensive Catholic college and a two year jaunt to England for study as well (ironically, avoiding the draft by doing this!)

He continues to insist his parents were blue collar working class....but, father was a CPA who worked for a defense contractor and mother was a physical therapist-hardly blue collar working class.

Makes a big deal of his father never making more than $35,000 yearly. Of course, $35,000 in 1967 was equivalent to $95,000 today according to the Department of the Treasury which means, combining her professional salary as well, meant they weren't exactly poor. That was a lot of money considering GIs were getting $98 month starting pay.

Bill graduated from high school in 1967 and immediately enrolled in Marist College to receive his draft deferment. The Vietnam War was not going very well with losses at their highest point in 1968 when Bill decided to go to London for further study. Ironically, this was at the same time Bill Clinton was there, but no inference is made. It also meant O'Reilly could not be drafted since he was still in school, but also in a foreign land. He did return later when the draft was winding down and had little to fear from induction. His English studies were very strategic to assist his draft evasion.

One must ask what O'Reilly feared from being inducted into the armed forces? All his blustering right wing rhetoric seems to indicate he would have been a prime candidate for the infantry fighting in the dense Vietnam jungles, but like many of his Republican cohorts blowing so hotly since their draft was avoided also. You see, Bill was another silver spoon boy who had difficulty making decisions much less accepting civic responsibility. His current ego indicates it was someone else's problem and certainly not his until his sexually harassed his associate producer and Fox had to shell out $12 million.

In fact, Bill doesn't like to discuss the Vietnam War period and one senses the inveitable question of why he wasn't drafted or at least serve in some component will appear. Its a fair question, but chances are a straight answer could never be obtained from him. He's too busy emulating Joe McCarthy who at least served, but certainly not in the distinctive and heroic manner he bragged of.

Take it from me, Bill. You would have been a better person for serving and would have least learned your father didn't have to make all the decisions for you. Did you spend much time in France while hiding out from the draft?

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