Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Friday, July 29, 2005

Now To Move It Down The Road......

Well, my name is Karl Rove and things are getting rather warm for me right now. Seem like when all these fine folk try to help, I just get deeper and deeper into the doo doo. I've told them several time to back off and just let the investigation take its course, but to no avail since the President thinks he now best which means a different spin each week.

Consequently, I am considering setting up in an entirely different field to make a living; a field where I can truly exert myself with full confidence and blissful pride forever growing. I want to go into the manure business; get a small spread, a few head of cows, some pigs, goats, bull, or maybe more and then let them graze, do their thing, and then I can superscoop it up, bring it back to the far, add my secret ingredients and make a mint of money rather than advise Dubya of his destiny. After all, he has talks with God which take up most of his time anyway and he won't miss me turd kicking at all. I am so excited to be back in the turds again. Finally, an aroma I can call my home!!

Those darn reporters won't come out see me then since the aroma will drive them away. Oh, yessss, and Scottie McClellan will like this too since it drives them away. In fact we could have executive meetings here since the President will like the old home smell of camel dung. It will be delightful.

Now, if only there was a way to get the Special Prosecutor a good whiff of this. Then he would lost focus and I would no longer be within his view. Sometimes he frightens me, but My Bud Guckert told me to be a good little Marine and I will be. After all, he was the best morale booster seen in the White House since I have been around. Just so much pananche and blitz appeal. He will help defend me against the Fourth Estate Hoard.

Enough of this, for I am Karl "Walking On Water" Rove by the right wing press....I just wish they would all shut up and let SA Fitzgerald do his job. Just want it over so I can go back to my favor crushing office in the White House. I like walking with the President-he swears a lot and it makes me excited; stimulates my thoughts. He was a cheerleader in college, you know.

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