Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Pres is A Man of Contradictions

The President is a man of contradictions, to say the least. On one hand, he tells us, as he did in a 2004 speech, we are a nation guided by a constitution where a wiretap has to be authorized by the court; and then justifies, as he recently did, the wiretapping of American citizens without the benefit of this founding document. Now, we find he did not consult with Congress, did not request warrants from the court and expanded the surveillance to include good old American citizens, domestic spying that is and highly illegal.

He justifies all this by stating a wartime president has that right and further Congress gave him the power in the resolution to slam Iraq. Of course, George W. Bush Jr. is not a wartime president since a declaration of war has never been proclaimed by Congress. Secondly, Tom Daschle revealed the White House had asked for wartime powers, but had been turned down shortly after 9/11. So, what does this boil down to for the president-well, Dick Cheney said it okay and further, Alberto Gonzales gave his rubber stamp. Somewhere down the line you will probably hear Pickles smiling in an approving way and the twins may resurrect to have a picture op of daddy holding the resolution in one hand and the list of those spied upon in the other.

Speaking of which, the White House is hedging on providing a list of those spied upon even to the secret court. After all, George said the court was too slow in approving applications and he had to take the next step by just setting up the wiretaps by executive order. Somehow, the legal system seems to frown upon executives taking this type of initiative for a variety of reasons with the illegality being the foremost. It also opens up the government for massive lawsuits, massive disrepute and further erosion of credibility.

Here’s the solution: wiretap every single room in the White House, Crawford House, Dick Cheney’s residences (Washington and hidden), Jeff Gannon’s bed, Alberto Gonzales’ typewriter, Don Rumsfeld’s secret tooth filling radio conductivity sets, Tom Delay’s brain and many more. What a wonderful soap opera this will make and the nation will be safe!! Everybody will know everything and the administration will not have to worry about secrets!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Khe-

It's me, Belle. Was wondering where you had disappeared to... how're things?
Give me a yell when things settle down for you!