Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Sunday, July 12, 2009

If Dreams Could Come True

Each of us possess dreams and fantasies which nfluence our daily lives. Here are some of mine:

1. George W. Bush Jr. is sentenced to live in an African-American neighborhood; followed by Hispanic; then Native American, etc. He experiences a transformation, hires a ghost author, and authors a book entitled: "I Was A Druggie In The ANG."

2. Dick Cheney travels to North Korea where he tortures snow drifts, watches people starve due to a truly totalitarian society craved and seldom appears on television.

3. O’Reilly goes to the Vatican where he proudly brags to the Pope about his sexual harassment suit costing $15 million to settle; and deflates when Pope waves it off as small potatoes.

4. Hannity enlists in the Marines, fights in Afghanistan and develops some honor. He later starts a chicken farm in Illinois, but is busted for using steroids to hype roosters. Old habits die hard.

5. Glenn Beck...transplant him to Montana where he can spout civil insurrection all day long, join a militia and live out his life in a closet along the river of no return.

6. Ann Coulter joins a convent and lives cloistered by walls blanketing her spouting hatred thus precluding book sales at any cost.

7. Michelle Malkin develops writers’ block and lip syncs to Ashley Simpson lip syncing all day long.

8. Michael Savage journeys back to Europe, is kidnapped by nudists, transported to Bornholm and joins a colony after admitting he has a small mind and member to match.

9. Rush Limbaugh admits he was arrested for male pandering in Pittsburgh, avoided the draft due to all those "guys" and daddy's influence, took oxycontin repeatedly to develop a stiffy thinking it was Viagra, gets a thrill knowing a whole lot of Republicans listen religiously to him though his past includes job firings, money laundering, drug abuse, doctor swapping, etc., that Repubs normally criticize Democrats for not doing more to arrest; and eventually ends up in a delusional house of ill repute selling venereal disease information to the willing.

10. Rep. Michelle Bachman, MN, spends her career after losing the election lecturing loons in northern Minnesota on all the Washington evils, revising history and pointing out the inane in illogicality.

11. Sen. John McCain returns to Hanoi to pick up copies of the 50 films, verified by Rep. Bob Dornan, taken of him with his “special” nurse while he supposedly being tortured, but while there relapses into giving radio broadcasts and narrating propaganda films again that don't exist.

12. Dick Morris, already convicted of using a prostitute, decides his foot fetish can be done legally. Enrolls in a School of Podiatry and specializes in bunions to satisfy his obsession.

13. Mark Sanford and John Ensign found the School For The Heavenly Sanctification of Extramarital Relations and Economic Gain on C Street, Washington D.C. Special consultant is Jeff "Bootsy" Gannon and Alberto "Help Me Find Honor" Gonzales.

14. Lou Dobbs is fired from his broadcasting position and settles in Leadville, Colorado, where he addresses beautiful stands of trees each morning on the birther question, illegal immigration and his need for more brain cell regeneration.

15. H. Gordon Liddy, renown Watergate felon and former disbarred Boy Scout, discovers his mustache has transferred to his posterior and remains confused remainder of his life.

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