Confusion reigns in my light deprived mind.....Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Bachmann, Palin, Limbaugh, Faux News, CNN and more journalistically deprived voices. There are Communists roving the country, radicals in the White House, a dark force creating socialism, Nazis about, religion promoting Marxist concepts such as social justice, Obama is Hitler, blah, blah, blah. One wonders whether the intention is to create utter confusion, obfuscate legitimate issues or simply to alienate the public completely. Then the teabaggers strike with their brand of gray areas mixing militias, racism and confusing logic with equally clouded minds and misspelled signs.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -- Voltaire
Ironically, those main voices urging the susceptible masses have their own background flaws:
O'Reilly not only avoided the military draft by fleeing to England, but had to pay out $15 million to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit. He claims a working class backgrounds (father was a CPA and mother a physical therapist-hardly blue collar!), but could afford Marist College and England. Here is the actual 22 page lawsuit filing; read and see what really motivates O'Reilly as well as an interesting website devoted to his lies:
Beck.....drug and alcohol abuser for nearly two decades not only ruining himself, but his marriage as well. Paranoid ramblings not only disdain anything closely related to historical fact, but border on something Joseph Goebbels would be proud of. Beck claims college wasn’t necessary since he learns everything from reading. Check it out:
Hannity...another dilettante belonging to the Joe McCarthy school of truth abandonment. Now he and equally flawed Oliver North are being investigated by the IRS for possible misappropriation of funds from the nonprofit Freedom Concert. Hannity and North created the organization, but very little of the $10 million has gone to help the target group, deceased Veterans' families and disabled GIs. Apparently, Hannity and North enjoyed the good life while continuing to shout out their undying dedication to those injured or killed in war. Of course, Hannity's teabagger love caused his superiors to pull him from a recent gathering where he had decided to broadcast from.
Palin is someone too much has been written about. She has earned $12 million since July espousing conservative "values" which transforms into violence incitement, tax evasion, ethics charges and harassment of her former brother-in-law. Meanwhile her family "values" have been forsaken witnessed by daughter, Willow, breaking into homes with her friends, partying and then arrested by state police. Of course, that "influence" saw only the male revelry makers indicted while Willow and other women were mysteriously left out. Palin has had many family issues, but focuses instead on mediocre cable shows on Fox and the Discovery channel. Both are ratings disasters since she faked interviews with LL Cool J and Toby Keith for Fox; and was an environmental disaster for Alaska. She makes the bucks while her family fades into disenchantment devoid of societal respect for order.
Limbaugh...another draft evader, convicted drug abuser who used influence not only to avoid military service, but also serious charges for doctor shopping, money laundering, drug purchases and distribution. He mutilates the truth, throws out seditious comments and buffers himself in a sanctimonious sanctification. He needs a life in a cave where whatever goodness possessed can be rediscovered if possible. Another who desires to attain manhood, but is confused.
They are symbolic of a society gone awry; a constituency desiring simple answers to complex questions while milling in a menacing manner egged on by those who manufacture the "big lies" and labels. It would be interesting to compare the criminal records of leading Nazis, whose ideology is thrown out so much to smear, with several of these neocon airheads....
The Statue of Liberty is weeping again........