Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Banality of Presidential Elections

Turned on the television a few days ago and observed what appeared to be a group of adults discussing elementary politics. It wasn't intriguing nor stimulating to watch this group play politics with accompanying snideness and questionable intellectuality. Ironically, it was the Democrat or Republican presidential candidate debates-take your choice. So much was said about so little and of course, primary topics of major interest were cautiously avoided. Its the ratings that matter, the right image and not the country or perish the thought, the public for whom they serve.

Most of these candidates could participate in the television program revolving around knowing more than a 5th grader except they would probably lose. So what is it this writer is actually trying to say. The election campaign is a, no that, though there are moments. More concern exists for favorable segues and building points that for this great doubt, this is true. In reality, this entire campaign reminds me of high school king/queen of the prom campaigning. Everyone seems to be currying the public only for favorable response rather than delving into the myriad of problems this nation faces.

There was more enthusiasm with Colbert declaring a quasi-candidacy than with many of these individuals; and he certainly discussed far greater issues. This is, indeed, a sad thing to note, but coincides with the demise of American world credibility. How else does one rationalize the staying power of certain names who would have been forced out years ago.

Guiliani-womanizer, questionable financial transactions as Mayor, et. al.

Romney-draft evader, attempting to minimize church-state separation.

McCain-has forsaken Arizona with his senatorial absence, silver spoon youth whose father's rank, Admiral, prevented him from being bounced from Naval flight training after crashing two jets, questionable activities with North Vietnamese while being held as a POW, wife steals drugs from non-profit org she headed and becomes addict-convicted and dried out, his wishy-washy attitude towards Bush even after being attacked by Karl Rove, et. al.


Thompson-back to Law and Order; he needs the writers strike to end for campaign material.

Clinton-difficult to determine a position on many facets.


Obama-has to walk the razor's edge

I'm tired of all of this though the others are far from innocent as well. We are only human beings and susceptible to human foibles. Americans are a forgiving lot, but lost values and common sense would have prevented many candidates from declaring their availability. The quality of candidates has decreased in tune with our national values and no one is shouting from the rooftop for it to stop.

Has Iraq been really discussed? The lies that propelled us into that conflict; the wounded GIs receiving less than adequate healthcare in hospitals resembling the Walter Reed episode; the 120-150 Veteran suicides occurring weekly; the US government becoming a corporate welfare provider to companies like Halliburton; our declining education system; media facets crawling in bed with the White House, et. al. I miss America.

Its banal. Like Alf Landon once said, "I could run on a laundry ticket and beat these bums."

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