Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Friday, July 27, 2007


Well, well, President In A Bubble is attempting to revise Vietnam War history to fit his needs. This is, indeed, a serious matter and indicates the desperation PIB will go to justify his war. Methinks a bit of true history is in order for PIB to ponder about.

1. Presidential Resignee Nixon and his henchman, Kissinger, presided over the withdrawal from Vietnam. It was simply a "haul ass to save ass" operation Kissinger manipulated in a failed attempt to leave with some honor. The North Vietnamese played Kissinger along to the point where he agreed to the same treaty stipulations opposed to in the beginning.

2. There were no large scale massacres as PIB would lead one to believe. Granted, many were sent to reeducation camps, but killings on a massive scale were not occurring.

3. Presidential Resignee Nixon contacted both Hanoi and Saigon governments as a civilian running for the highest office in 1968. His objective was to stymy the Paris Peace Talks which were starting to bear some fruit. Technically, this is treason, but then President Johnson did not pursue charges though fully aware of Nixon's meddling. This intrusion, however, prolonged the war for 5 more years killing thousands of Americans and Vietnamese.

4. Nixon's policies created the killing fields of Cambodia and Kissinger is wont to take any responsibility for this. The legitimate leader, Prince Sihanouk, was deposed in a coup which placed Lon Nol, in power. Lon Nol was very pro-American and could not solve the basic problems his nation was experiencing primarily due to Nixon/Kissinger meddling. The result was three million dead Cambodians in the killing fields until the North Vietnamese invaded to occupy the nation.

5. The United States has yet to acknowledge the results of applying Agent Orange and 22 other chemicals in Vietnam. Vietnam has, however, begun to seek legal recourse through the World Court, but it is obvious PIB will not mention this in any form.

6. Lastly, PIB was a silver spoon baby who avoided the draft through use to his father's influence to enter the National Guard. He did this surrepitiously, accepted a direct commission hardly qualified for and then forsook the last 18 months of his obligation. He was not pursued due to his father's position.

PIB is not in any position morally or ethically to discuss Vietnam without indicating his lack of participation thereof and why. Too many good people paid the price for this misadventure and many are still suffering on both sides of the ocean. Bush, however, is oblivious to any academic discussion on this and other subjects. My suggestion is he simply go to the nearest DVA hospital and apologize profusely while granting a greater budgetary allowance to that agency to treat honorable Veterans.

It must be difficult to play the image when you realize your own transparency.

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