Vietnam Service

Vietnam Service
Vietnam Service

Monday, June 18, 2007

Return Of The Blogger

Out of the night when the full moon is right comes: Me!! Yes, the hiatus is over and its time to plink and plunk all those ideas and people who consider themselves sacred. What you say, we still have the Chosen Ones among us??!! Of course, they can have their cereal and fleece others for the sacred milk to savor.........On with the show:

Tony Snow, White House Snowjobber, declared President In A Bubble (PIB) was in the "front lines" of the war at all times. Uhmmmmmm, seems to me he avoided Vietnam, became lost for 18 months while in the National Guard and hauled ass to save ass on 9/11. Wait!!!! Its coming to me...George was actually in offensive withdrawal and not retreat.....he was always there, but wasn't noticed by his absence. Perfectly understandable....Give me a Valium!!

Meanwhile, Paris Hilton is seeking a pardon from the Street Crossing Guard working outside of the LA County Jail. She has promised to respect authority by starting out at the lowest level for absolution, but apparently hasn't recognized the White House yet. "It's not right, Mommie"

The President of Vietnam is visiting DC soon and PIB is excited. He has ordered all the kimchee to be found for a special state dinner. Forgive us, Mr. Vietnam President, for he knows not what he does and less of what he will do.

There is absolutely no truth to the rumor several administration officials and Congress members will be indicted for corruption in the near future. In the meantime, Congress is contemplating a prison reform bill offering luxury condos for former officials if the need arises.

Major chocolate manufacturers are pestering the government to let them produce all those products we have come to love without chocolate. Yes, this is absolutely true!! Manufacturers claim they can use all those ungodly synthetic materials to create chocolate, but want the feds to allow them to still advertise the product as chocolate. Isn't that kind of like Dick Cheney proclaiming to be honest?

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan continues.

On a lighter note, Richard Nixon, former resignee president of the United States, is still dead and was not sighted in the White House as an apparition opening/closing safes. That interloper was identified as Howard Hunt, Watergate instigator and also dead.

On a final note, former Speaker of the House, Tom DeLay, denies he will take over the Late Jerry Falwell's numerous positions. DeLay is happily awaiting the opportunity to serve with Paris Hilton or Scooter Libby or Bubba.

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