America, listen to this fact: Joe and Teresa Giudice are convicted felons! True, since both were convicted in federal court after admitting they bilked $5 million by submitting phony documents to obtain construction and bank loans; concealed assets, lied to bankruptcy officials and failed to file a 2004 tax return. Both were ordered to pay restitution: Joe, $414,000 and Teresa, $200,000. She is currently serving a 15 month sentence and Joe will report for a 41 month term in federal prison when she is released on parole. Exact charges for both were bankruptcy and mail frauds; and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. This crime doesn't make sense since Teresa had a net worth of $11 million, but it doesn't end there!
Joe recently appeared in Passaic County Court for driver license fraud. Apparently, he borrowed his brother's identification papers and sought a new one to replaced his suspended one for driving while intoxicated. The judge described Giudice's driving record as "mind boggling" since it contained thirty-nine (39) suspensions!
Giudice had accepted a plea agreement, but attempted several ploys to even downsize that. He was hesitant to accept the deal, convinced of his innocence, but relented after a hurried conference with his attorney. Giudice was sentenced to license revocation of two years and a $10,000 fine. His attorney attempted to argue Joe was destitute, but the judge reminded them Joe had recently been paid $75,000 for a tabloid interview. Giudice was also sentenced to 18 months in jail, but this will run concurrently with federal incarceration. Both never seem to accept reality nor the harm their children are experiencing. Joe was heard bragging about a return to Real Housewives of New Jersey for a "lot of money." Yup, he has learned his lesson.

This particular magazine and others post continuous articles which tend to influence others it's all right to commit felonies-just look at all the money the Guidices are going to make afterwards. No felony stigma for Teresa since Bravo Network, allegedly, wants Teresa back for season 7 of RHONJ. Don't get me wrong; I believe everyone deserves a second chance for redemption and regain societal position. Yet some magazines, net sites and possibly Bravo Network seem to think redemption isn't necessary nor paying for crimes against society. Both need to experience humility, pay their restitution, endure prison and chastise themselves for the impact upon their children; and the institutions bilked-not to receive positive publicity treating them as innocents.
Change focus to the Kardashians whose claim to fame emanated from Kim's sex tape. Never mind many celebrities who spend years of blood, sweat and tears to gain the public eye; just put forth a sex tape and take it for all its worth! The only one who has earned legitimate adulation is Bruce Jenner for his Olympic feats. Other family members have used a scripted reality show, sex, failed marriages, good spin and of course, MONEY to gain entry into the wide, wide world of celebrities. Spin, public relations, drama; all combine to bring them into your home while the resulting influence is for little people to emulate their actions: and voila, SUCCESS-NOT. Its all make believe for a gullible public.
A side note-Martha Stewart was also convicted of a felony and served time in prison. She is almost regarded as never being there; it just didn't happen since Stewart possessed MONEY and hired good PR people.
Change focus to the Kardashians whose claim to fame emanated from Kim's sex tape. Never mind many celebrities who spend years of blood, sweat and tears to gain the public eye; just put forth a sex tape and take it for all its worth! The only one who has earned legitimate adulation is Bruce Jenner for his Olympic feats. Other family members have used a scripted reality show, sex, failed marriages, good spin and of course, MONEY to gain entry into the wide, wide world of celebrities. Spin, public relations, drama; all combine to bring them into your home while the resulting influence is for little people to emulate their actions: and voila, SUCCESS-NOT. Its all make believe for a gullible public.
A side note-Martha Stewart was also convicted of a felony and served time in prison. She is almost regarded as never being there; it just didn't happen since Stewart possessed MONEY and hired good PR people.
All this is sad, but true, but the new moniker is :
Felonies go away if you have the MONEY!: AT LEAST IN THE PUBLIC EYE!! (But they remain in NCIS!)
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