Returning to common sense is often difficult for those who enjoy illusionary remarks and fantasy world ideas. What struck this writer other than the 47 Senators who endorsed the Iranian letter was those who criticized the President for not loving America.

Rudy Giuiliani is an interesting case resembling more Marvin the Martian or perhaps Foghorn Leghorn's little guy. Giuliano's background includes being married 3 times, parading his mistress in front of his then wife and children and best of all avoiding the draft through 5 deferments. One must question if he was raised this way or just decided to go over to the gray side on a few occasions. Regardless, the question must be posed whether he loves America or not.
Rush Limbaugh is one whom an entire book could be published based on his fantasy rantings and outright equivocations. Limbaugh came of draft age during the height of the Vietnam War in 1969. He immediately enrolled at Southeast Missouri State University, but flunked out. Selective Service System records show that Limbaugh was classified as 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of [declared] war or national emergency) on 24 November 1970, which effectively ended his draft eligibility and ensured that he would not be called for service. He comes from an influential Missouri family which includes federal judges and prosecutors. Limbaugh's grandfather was a member of the Missouri House of Representatives, and the Federal Courthouse in Limbaugh's hometown, Cape Girardeau, is named after him. Putting family influence rapidly into play developed into a quick visit to his physician. The doctor found an inoperable pilonidal cyst and issued a letter which Rush ran to his draft board with. Interestingly enough, Rush's father possessed the same malady, but served honorably during WWII. The board hurriedly reclassified Limbaugh to 1-Y and the Chicken Hawk was relieved. Later Rush claimed he had both a pilonidal cyst and a "football knee" as disqualifying factors for service, but his high school stated Limbaugh only played 1 year with no injuries recalled. The larger point is Rush did not have a physical examination by a physician at the Armed Forces Entry and Examination Service (AFEES) which is mandatory prior to reclassification from his 1-A. Limbaugh appears to have used family influence to avoid this juncture and let the Selective Service Board accept his doctor statement as the gospel. The draft was notorious for accepting minor and middle physical and psychological problems in many of their inductees. Undoubtedly, Rush would have been inducted if he had followed lawful AFEES mandating a complete physical examination where he could have presented the letter to a military/contract doctor. Undoubtedly, he would be declared fully eligible for the military and then his draft board would be notified. Limbaugh took the influential way out, but there is another question.

The booking photos of "Jeff Christie", Limbaugh's pseudonym while working in Pittsburgh, show Limbaugh was arrested in 1974 for soliciting an undercover police officer posing as a transvestite for sexual favors, pandering, No, it isn't just an "unfounded rumor," but actually happened. Later in 2009, Limbaugh was again arrested on numerous drug and doctor shopping charges. He was given one year probation on these indictments and immediately flew to the Dominican Republic for relaxation which is unusual for felony arrests.
Limbaugh has been married four times and his former spouses testify they lived separately from him. Regardless, one must ask if he was raised this way or just decided to cave in to often offensive remarks to gain more listeners. His abrasive style cost him over 2700 sponsors when activist group began campaigns to get consumers to notify various companies of Limbaugh's offensive remarks. One must pose the question whether he loves America or just the color of green.
Bill O'Reilly is another marvelous case of bluster and outright equivocation. He talks of his blue collar upbringing, but again this is pure fantasy. His father was a certified public accountant with CalTex, an oil company and mother a physical therapist; both well paying positions. O'Reilly never lived in Levittown, but in a upper middle class neighborhood, Westbury, Long Island. He often mentions his father's salary topping off at $35,000 which is $92,000 in today's economy. This placed him in the top 10% of 1980 wage earners meaning O'Reilly was hardly a proletarian struggling to make it. Young O'Reilly went off to Marist College after registering for the draft in 1968, but then scampered away to Oxford in England for two years. He returned to Marist, graduated, and found himself classified 1-A, ready for induction, lottery number 71. All of a sudden, there was a job offer teaching in Florida and automatic draft exemption.
Lets get something straight: Bill O'Reilly was never in combat for this is a legend in his own mind. His scandalous past equivocations have been dissected in the media much to Bill's chagrin. However, the episode of El Salvadorian massacre by American trained El Salvador Army troops at El Mezote has not been examined. Their is some speculation O'Reilly used his reporting to coverup the El Mezote episode which is a greater issue. Regardless, Bill always seems to blow up his past to garner attention and sympathy; the hell with journalistic standards. The Great Bloviator is protected by Faux News who argue he is an entertainer, not a news person. Bollocks! He needs to be harshly disciplined for his harmful antics.
Let us not forget Billy's two legal antics....the Great Bloviator was accused in a sexual harassment suit and paid out nearly $15 million. Read it here: Billy initially screamed he was being shook down, but quickly changed his mind when Andrea Macklin produced some tapes of him. In addition, Bill was accused four years ago of allegedly bribing a Long Island police department to fire a detective dating his spouse then separated. It got ugly just like his divorce and you can read about it here: Now Bill's 16 year old daughter is accusing him of abusing her Mother. It never ends with the Great Bloviator!! Check it out here: he-dragged-her-mom-down-a-staircase-by-the-neck-video/. One must question whether he loves America or just the legends he spins to be important.

Sarah Palin is another who created her own myth. She writes of family values and all that entails. Her son was arrested for vandalizing FORTY-TWO (42) school buses and Sarah hurried went to his defense. Palin convinced the prosecutor and court to let him enlist in lieu of indictment and probably conviction. Bristol's story is well known except for fact she had sex with the guy for over four years before becoming pregnant. To her credit, she stated the Bush Administration's emphasis on curtailing sex education in public schools in lieu of teaching NO SEX at all was wrong. Then Bristol did a 360 degree turn advocating sexual abstinence and eradicating evil sex ed courses. Willow has had numerous run-ins with law enforcement with a trail of traffic tickets and speculation of drug involvement. Both she and Bristol were notorious for a Facebook clash with a guy they both labeled publicly as a "Fag," and other disparaging names. The family has been involved in bar fights, shouting matches and other incidents which hardly reflect family values and Christian leanings advocated by Sarah. In fact, Sarah's predilection towards money and more wealth is hardly an admired value. Again, one must question whether she loves America or justthe crisp sound of US currency being plopped down.
Wake up America! These are only a few of those echoing simplistic, and at times stupid, solutions to very complex problems America faces. We are at a crossroads where there is either a plunge into right wing fantasy, another war, social net destruction, etc. or a turn towards common sense re-instituting a true democracy. Extreme right wing philosophy and right wing pseudo-Christian dominionism is wracking upon our nation thus creating a rise in racism, antisemitism, sexism and downright deviation away from tolerance and respect. Its time to point these people to the door and reestablish sanity before more violence such as Ferguson, Missouri, occurs. Its our choice whether to go into the breach again with darkness or return to a more progressive sunlight.
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