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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ahhh, The Sweet Smell of Manure Politics

Ahhhh, that stench in the air!! It’s more than O’Reilly’s arrogance; Hannity’s smugness, Limbaugh’s fantasy flights, and Palin’s illusory patriotism, transparent family values and open displays of real greed. The sweet smell of dastardly politics pervades TeaPublican offices nationwide carried along by equivocation and historical revision.

The public had much humor from the antics of 5-draft deferments, multi-bankrupt and thrice divorced Donald “Brain Cells Went South” Trump and of course, Sarah “American History Is A Slam Dunk” Palin’s version of Paul Revere and the US-North Korea alliance which even our own government wasn’t aware of. Americans chuckle at these gaffes, but something more odious lurks beneath the humor. Palin groupies immediately flooded Wikipedia’s Paul Revere posting and attempted to change the page. Granted, Wikipedia is not completely accurate since postings can be made by anyone, but Palinnatics did this to prove the resigned Governor right. Wikipedia immediately locked down the Revere posting until more sanity reigned.

Historical revision is a key feature of TeaPublicans who shape their own reality to force feed Americans. Then neo-conservative talking heads, primarily Fox Network and of course, Limbaugh, extol the virtues of the “real” history as proclaimed by their favorite politician. A knowledge vacuum occurs which the right wing quickly moves into with pseudo-statements and many Americans accept since they know no better.

Limbaugh, for example, was recently confronted with a knowledgeable person on current economics. The Rushter stammered, stuttered and lost focus when confronted with actual facts. He quickly regained composure, cut off the caller off and ranted for a few minutes. This appears to be a typical TeaPublican tactic when actual truth rears its ugly head. Its a sad reality, but no worse than Gov. Rick Perry, of Texas fame, using his influence to pressure public education to adapt a revised history for students. Features will include praising Sen. Joe McCarthy and omitting Thomas Jefferson completely-this appears to be the TeaPublican way!!

The recent Anthony Weiner episode posed another interesting dilemma. TeaPublicans immediately called for his head while conveniently forgetting TeaPublican Sen.. David Vitter's, a family values guy, escapade of consorting with prostitutes wearing a diaper. Vitter still holds office and what Weiner did was with consenting adults. O’Reilly, of course, leads the pack while diverting away from his own sexual harassment suit filed by a Fox Factor producer for some very nasty acts by O'Lielly. O’Reilly claims he was being shook down, but became strangely silent when tapes recorded by the producer suddenly appeared validating her claims. O'Reilly paid an estimated $15 million to settle the case. You can read the entire filed suit, juicy and saucy, complete O'Reilly hypocrisy, at

Moral of this writing is very clear: all public figures need to be fact checked immediately. TeaPublicans love to falsify data, use fear tactics and extol the illusory virtues of their ideology which change daily. Why do this is a question you ask…..remember, according to “I know my American history” Palin, Paul Revere was warning the British and was an example of Second Amendment rights. Problem is, it was 1775, the revolution hadn’t begun, the Constitution was non-existent and the future USA was still a British colony. Another statement aptly describes the TeaPublican Party: "the Republican party rides to political victory on the four horsemen of CALUMNY, FEAR, IGNORANCE and SMEAR!"

Santyana, famed historian, once said “those who condemn the past are doomed to repeat it. TeaPublicans need to be aware of this and the subsequent backlash as a resulting factor. Just ask Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter....fearmongers whose popularity has waned. The American people have finally had enough!

UPDATE:  O'Reilly is now implicated in another sleazy matter.  He and spouse separated a few weeks leaving Billo to himself.  She started dated a detective near their Long Island home infuriating the effluvial O'Rielly.  Allegedly, Bill contacted the Chief of Police offering to donate substantial money if the Chief would fire the detective.  It has been weeks since the investigation began.....typical Bill-impulsive, money talks attitude....